Feature Review: Using Microsoft Copilot in Dynamics 365 Sales

In this video, UG Expert and Microsoft MVP Kylie Kiser reviews the features of Microsoft Copilot for Dynamics 365 Sales.

This episode is sponsored by Community Summit North America, the largest independent gathering of the Microsoft Business Applications ecosystem, taking place Oct. 13-17, 2024, in San Antonio, Texas. Register today to connect with thousands of users across the Microsoft business applications ecosystem at the for user, by user event.


00:10 — In her last video, Kylie reviewed how to enable Microsoft Copilot for Dynamics 365 Sales. In this video, she reviews the features of Copilot in Dynamics 365 Sales.

00:47 — Kylie notes an important consideration of Copilot. “Whoever is working with this Copilot [should] understand that they need to be reviewing this data and making sure it’s appropriate, and not just acting blindly on what this tool says.”

01:25 — Jumping into an example, Kylie demonstrates how Copilot can be applied to “next up” activities in Sales. Automatically, Copilot generates an “opportunity summary.” Following the summary, Kylie prompts Copilot to “get the latest news,” and Copilot searches bing for related news stories related to the data.

02:28 — With this opportunity, users can also have Copilot summarize other details relating to relationships, prepare for upcoming meetings, or create new appointments.

03:19 — Kylie explains how Copilot can help prepare for upcoming meetings. “If we have upcoming meetings, it will tell us any of the details or anything we need to know about that opportunity.”

04:02 — Lastly, Kylie visits the Leads page. She opens up a sample lead and shows how Copilot already generated a summary on that lead. Users can also opt to view recent changes, previous summaries, and more.

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