The 5-Core Areas of Manufacturing Cloud Digital Acceleration

You’re watching a top moment from the Industry Cloud Battleground Week highlighting the manufacturing industry. This five-day digital event, which premiered in November 2021, delivered insights to inspire, educate and engage business and technology leaders who are actively defining their industry-specific cloud strategy. 


00:09 — Transforming and rescaling your workforce involves closing the skills gap, unlocking innovation, and delivering new services. This can involve using digital twins, simulations, additive manufacturing, and more.

00:27 — For example, Microsoft worked with Rolls-Royce to extend virtual verification, validation, and visualization across its value chain. Through this collaboration, Rolls Royce was able to achieve R&D cost savings with high-performance computing.

00:42 — Microsoft is doing a significant amount of acceleration when it comes to the manufacturing cloud, such as:

  • Building more agile factories to move manufacturing operations to digital
  • Enabling remote operations
  • Leveraging digital threads
  • Building IT/OT convergence
  • Helping operators make better decisions through digital twins, the factory, and reduced interuptions

01:08 — Manufacturers are moving towards resilient, sustainable, and autonomous supply chains.

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