How to Connect Marketing, Sales, and Services in the Automotive Industry

Use customer experiences, data sharing, and mobility services to push innovation in the automotive industry. By meeting individual consumer expectations through a consistent data structure, you can integrate customer data across all sources. D365 enables you to use customer insight to proactively check whether automotive maintenance is required. Leveraging analytics on data can accelerate innovation, minimize operational expenses, and strengthen customer loyalty. Giving customers the ability to integrate industry solutions to their needs efficiently can transform the automotive industry.

Innovation in the Automotive Industry

Today’s revolutionized Microsoft Dynamics ERP for the automotive industry allows companies to use global data management to deliver quality products. By integrating transport modes with a cloud-enabled platform and keeping up with vehicle innovation in the automotive tech industry with IoT and AI-optimized applications, you can provide state-of-the-art industry solutions. Further, through pre-built entities, Customer Portal Engagement, and Marketing Automation, Automotive Accelerator in Dynamics 365 unveils dealer opportunities to enhance customer value. Dynamics 365 for Sales, Marketing, and Supply Chain Management enables the interconnection of business-related systems, an optimized customer experience, and a streamlined OEM-to-dealer integration.

Connecting Marketing, Sales, and Services 

The latest version of the automotive accelerator in Dynamics 365 focuses on customer engagement with a customer 360 view, digital marketing, and B2C portal interactions to provide a better customer experience and gain insights from analytics. Here are some benefits to connecting marketing, sales, and services in the automotive industry:

  • Revolutionize mobility experiences with a cloud-enabled platform replete with integration services and development tools
  • Boost innovation by employing AI logistics to make intelligent decisions regarding supply industry operations
  • Unlock business opportunities by utilizing an enhanced data sharing, and mobility service

Customer Insights and Relationships

With Dynamics 365, companies gain access to many disrupting technologies available out of the box that will particularly benefit the automotive industries. With the ongoing shift from product-driven to customer-driven organizations, clients require strong customer relationships and the ability to capture customer data. By applying customer insights and data and applying it to customer-driven strategies, companies can open up new sales opportunities. Dynamics 365 for Sales, Marketing, and Supply Chain Management integrates customer data across all sources, centralizes your sales and marketing processes, and boosts business operations with mixed reality applications from Microsoft Dynamics 365. Further, D365’s demand and inventory modeling technology enhances supply chains across numerous manufacturing tiers, improving customer service levels, and reducing costs.

Next Steps  

If you are interested in learning more about expense management as well as maximizing the use of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Supply Chain Management contact us here to find out how we can help you grow your business. You can also email us at or call (312) 345-8817

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