Data is Delivering Life-Changing Outcomes for Microsoft Customers

You’re watching a top moment from the Industry Cloud Battleground Week highlighting the healthcare industry. This five-day digital event, which premiered in November 2021, delivered insights to inspire, educate and engage business and technology leaders who are actively defining their industry-specific cloud strategy. 


00:09 — Verticals within the healthcare industry—payer, provider, pharmaceutical, med-tech, retail health—are all unique yet discrete. However, there are conductivity components and commonalities between them.

00:32 — For instance, the Microsoft partner, Truveta, has a model that connects patient data from multiple US healthcare provider systems. It helps drive data analytics as well as identify outcomes and patterns. Additionally, it accelerates clinical research within the pharmaceutical industry.

01:02 — This technology not only considers how to get healthcare providers to work together but also has data working together so it drives outcomes and improvements for the providers and other healthcare workers.

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