
Find information up to 83% faster with Rockton’s quick and easy google-style data search tool SmartFill

How much time do you waste in a day looking up information in Microsoft Dynamics GP or even your third-party products? You know it’s in there, but coming up with the magic combination of words, numbers, or phrases to find it is another story. What a pain!

SmartFill is really smart…just like you.

With SmartFill, simply type what you know into the search bar. Maybe you only have a few letters of a name or part of an item ID. No problem! Simply type it in and within a few seconds you’ll have all your matches listed right in front of you. With our GP search tool, you’ll even see similar items that might have typos so you don’t enter anything twice. Find what you need without the headaches with SmartFill.

Want 4,000 reasons to smile?

If you’re keen on saving a bunch of time and money, SmartFill is an amazing productivity tool for your entire team. Over 4,000 pre-defined lookups are built-in so right out of the box you’ll be ready to search and go, or you can create custom lookups on the fly however and wherever you need them most.

Product Highlights

  • Quickly find nearly anything in Dynamics GP AND your third-party products with one GP add-on
  • Enjoy 4,000+ pre-defined lookups or customize your own in a snap
  • Choose from filtered lists when you have more than one match
  • Eliminate duplicate entries with results that include similar items and typos
  • “Begins with” and “Contains” lookups require minimal information to find what you need

Learn more about SmartFill

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