How to Edit, Add Command Bar in Power Platform

In this video, UG Expert Kylie Kiser gives an overview of how to edit the command Bar in Power Platform.

This episode is sponsored by Community Summit North America, the largest independent gathering of the Microsoft Business Applications ecosystem, taking place Oct. 13-17, 2024, in San Antonio, Texas. Register today to connect with thousands of users across the Microsoft business applications ecosystem at the for user, by user event.

Key Takeaways

  • Modern Command Bar Editor: The command bar editor replaces the ribbon workbench in model-driven apps and includes much of the same functionality. To demonstrate its features, Kylie opens a model-driven app to edit.
  • Accessing Command Bar Editor: Kylie reviews the process of editing command bars by going to the Accounts area, focusing on different views such as the Main grid, Main form, Subgrid view, and Associated views, and provides an example of editing the command bar for the Main form for the Account.
  • Editing a Command Bar: Next, Kylie explains how to add a new command to the command bar, including setting the label, choosing an icon, configuring visibility conditions, and editing the action formula based on an example given in the documentation.
  • Final steps: Kylie demonstrates the use of the patch function to create records, such as tasks, from the command bar and shows how to change the account name. She highlights the ability to save, publish, and play from the ribbon area for troubleshooting.
  • Troubleshooting: Finally, Kylie introduces an additional button within an account, which allows for troubleshooting commands using the Command Checker. She demonstrates how to update the Account name using the new button and emphasizes the need to include ribbons in the solution to ensure all new buttons are transferred correctly.

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