Academy Preview:  Power BI Development from Ground Zero to Insightful Dashboard

power BI dashboard
Microsoft Fabric UG

This two-day workshop, led by Reza Rad on October 12-13, is designed to get you from the ground zero of using Power BI into being able to build reports and dashboards easily using Power BI. The workshop starts with connecting to the data sources, preparing the data, transforming it, cleaning the data, and removing unnecessary parts of the data using Power Query. It then continues with modeling the data, building data entities (tables), creating logical relationships between them, and applying business rules using calculations in DAX language in Power BI. It then gets to the visualization part of the data, the art of building an insightful report and dashboard that brings the information right in front of the decision-makers’ attention. Finally, the course finishes with the process of publishing the report, sharing it with other users, and scheduling it so that the data gets automatically updated without a manual process.

Learning objectives:

  • Connecting to data sources and prepare and transform data
  • Modeling data and applying calculations using DAX for business logics
  • Building insightful reports and dashboards and share with users

Register today for this Academy class and for Community Summit North America to join 5,500+ Microsoft business applications users at the largest independent innovation, education, and training event on the planet! 

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