Part 2: Tips and Tricks for Optimal Engagement with Model-Driven Apps

model-driven app

Hey there, everyone! Back with more tips and tricks to enhance your model-driven app’s user experience! This month we focus on how to best implement Business Rules.

1. Don’t let users get stuck! If they forget to fill in an important field, make sure an error message pops up to remind them. To make this happen, set up a business rule where you can customize the error message.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated
A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

2. Providing suggestions can make life easier for your users. You are able to give helpful hints based on what information or data users enter. For instance, if they add a phone number in the account section, you can suggest that this account prefers to be contacted by phone. Just create a business rule to make it happen!

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated
    A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated
    A screenshot of a phone

Description automatically generated

    Keep these tips in mind as you work on your Model-Driven Apps and watch your user experience soar! Stay tuned for more insights and advice in future articles. Happy app-building!

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