5 steps to modernize your contact center during an economic downturn

The growth of online marketing, social media and smartphones is causing firms to integrate all channels to ensure the customer experience is seamless and consistent, regardless of channel or device. During an economic downturn, businesses are on high alert to do more with less.

Here are five steps to modernize your contact center during an economic downturn and learn how to earn customers for life.

  1. Invest in automation: Investing in technology that can automate your contact center, such as cloud-based systems for customer service can help you modernize and reduce costs. Enhancing existing contact center capabilities and investments – without ripping out and replacing infrastructure – can help build long-term success. Microsoft Digital Contact Center platform can help ensure your service and operations meet or exceed customer expectations.
  2. Be flexible with resources: During an economic downturn, you may need to be flexible and creative in how you use your resources. The Internet and cloud computing have enabled organizations to create virtual call centers in which agents are geographically dispersed, often working from their homes. Consider different staffing models, including changing business hours, so your staffing levels remain consistent and cost-effective.
  3. Make use of reporting and analytics: Collect and analyze data to optimize processes and identify areas for improvement in your contact center. Microsoft Dynamics relationship analytics enables teams to assemble relevant information to create graphical displays of key performance indicators (KPIs) and activity histories. This data can help you better understand customer needs, enabling improved response to customer inquiries and creation of a personalized customer experience.
  4. Invest in training and quality assurance: Both are essential for a successful contact center. Invest in developing a comprehensive training program for agents and use quality assurance tools to track and monitor performance. Microsoft Digital Customer Service positions agents to excel while training them to earn customers for life.
  5. Create an omnichannel experience and utilize self-service options: Delivering a best-in-class omnichannel customer experience can also mean offering customers self-service options. These include FAQs, a knowledge base or online chatbot that can help improve customer satisfaction and reduce demand on your contact center. Mazars can help implement any of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 omnichannel services, including chat, voice, SMS, social and Teams.

Interested in learning more? The MazarsNow! Contact Center solution can help empower your contact center to provide world-class customer service while facing the economy’s up and downs head-on.


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