Using revenue recognition bundle functionality to support selling kits/pick and pack items in D365 F&O
The new Revenue Recognition feature of D365 includes the Released Product “Bundle” functionality. This is the best standard functionality to support customer kits or pick and pack type items. Join this session to learn how you can use bundles to support your business needs. This session will include the minimal configuration needed to support bundles, a demonstration on how bundle items are processed on sales orders, and finally some tips, tricks and potential issues real users have experienced implementing the bundle functionality.
Key Takeaways:
• At the end of the session users will be able to have an idea on how to configure bundle functionality and items.
• Users will be able to create and confirm a sales order with a bundle type.
• Users will be able to pick, pack and ship all components of a bundle item against a sales order.
• Users will be able to post an invoice against a bundle item on a sales order.
• Users will understand some of the potential issues in processing a bundle type sales order line.