Creating a Goldilocks Sales Process: Just Right for Your Organization
Create a sales process that your users will adopt, your leaders can manage, and that drives measurable improvement. If you want your sales team to increase deal size, decrease sales cycle length, improve win rates, avoid letting valuable opportunities slip through the cracks, deliver meaningful forecasts, and continuously improve sales results – then you need a sales process. But most organizations struggle to create a process to deliver that vision. In this non-technical session, you’ll learn how best-in-class sales teams design sales processes to align with customer buying processes. You’ll understand the different types of sales processes, why the out-of-the-box processes usually aren’t a good fit, steps for engaging the team in developing a process, how to evolve your process over time, and the golden rules for developing simple but effective sales processes. You’ll take away a workbook with an initial sales process design, and a set of worksheet templates to guide you from simple to sophisticated.
Key Takeaways:
• Define your first sales process, or capture pointers for refining existing processes
• Learn how best-in-class sales teams design processes to align with their buyer’s processes
• Develop a process that you can map to your CRM solution
• Get your team on board with following the process