Modernizing Warehouses

Supporting manufacturers with Microsoft Dynamics D365 MHAX.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a powerful enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that empowers organizations to streamline their business processes across various domains.

One of Dynamics 365’s key strengths is its flexibility and extensibility, allowing businesses to adapt and customize the system to meet their specific needs.

Supporting manufacturers and suppliers, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a powerful application that helps mitigate supply chain issues and automatically reacts to challenges using real-time visibility, agile planning, and advanced insights.

For warehouses, Microsoft’s Material Handling Equipment Interface (MHAX) module connects external physical material handling (MH) systems to a warehouse that’s managed by warehouse management processes (WMS) in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management.

This article explores how Mazars and inVia Robotics are modernizing warehouses by increasing productivity, customer satisfaction, and inventory accuracy with innovative technologies.

Streamlining material handling processes

Efficient material handling is crucial for manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution businesses. The MHAX module within Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides the tools needed to optimize material handling processes, improve overall operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

Key features and capabilities of MHAX

  • Seamless integration: The MHAX module seamlessly integrates with other modules within Dynamics 365, such as Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Warehouse Management, allowing for end-to-end visibility and control over material handling operations. MHAX also operates on the REST and SOAP API’s, which means it’s open for compatibility with ISVs, making this an option for businesses whose material handling is done outside of Dynamics 365.
  • Real-time monitoring: The module offers “real-time” monitoring capabilities via inbound and outbound queues, enabling users to gain potential insight into the performance of material movements as they’re processed. For example, this functionality can be used to help identify bottlenecks, optimize routes, and make data-driven decisions to improve operational efficiency.
  • Task management: MHAX framework facilitates the creation and management of material handling tasks, such as picking, putting away, replenishment, and cross-docking. This framework further allows for the creation of task priorities and due dates. Allocation to specific equipment or operators also can be defined, helping ensure tasks are executed optimally and in a timely manner.
  • Analytics and reporting: By leveraging the basic power of Dynamics 365’s reporting and analytics capabilities, users can review meaningful insights via the queue manager. For example, key performance indicators (KPIs) related to equipment utilization, task completion, and productivity could be monitored and analyzed to allow for continuous process improvement via other third-party software.

Benefits of MHAX module

  • Increased efficiency: By optimizing material handling processes, organizations can achieve higher operational efficiency, reducing costs and improving customer satisfaction.
  • Enhanced visibility: MHAX provides real-time visibility of material handling operations, enabling proactive decision-making, minimizing downtime, and avoiding potential bottlenecks.
  • Scalability and flexibility: As an integral part of Dynamics 365, MHAX can adapt and scale with the organization’s evolving needs, accommodating growth and changes in material handling operations.

In summary, the MHAX module within Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a powerful tool to optimize material handling operations. With its seamless integration, real-time monitoring, and queue management capabilities, MHAX empowers businesses to streamline their processes, reduce costs, and improve overall operational efficiency.

By leveraging benefits MHAX facilitates, organizations can gain a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced business landscape.

As system integrators, Mazars understands integration development and can assist with the implementation of any warehouse integration. The Mazars Supply Chain Management team can help assist with MHAX and AWM configuration and implementation, creating a baseline in support of inVia Robotics’ warehouse automation solution.

Interested in learning how your business can benefit from warehouse modernization?


Zander Kraschinzky, Senior 

The information provided here is for general guidance only, and does not constitute the provision of tax advice, accounting services, investment advice, legal advice, or professional consulting of any kind. The information provided herein should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional tax, accounting, legal or other competent advisers.

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