Unit Accounts

  • Unit Accounts

    Posted by DSC Communities on December 7, 2016 at 9:08 am
    • Margaret Knight


      December 7, 2016 at 9:08 AM

      In setting up a unit account there is an option “clear balance during year end close”. I would like to clarify that if checked, it would keep the monthly history, but just not roll the balances forward to the new year.

      Thank you.

      Margaret Knight-Dominguez
      Director of Finance
      Construction Labor Contractors LLC
      Richfield OH

    • Bert Green


      December 7, 2016 at 10:36 AM


      Your thinking is correct on this. That box will make it so the balance does not roll forward to the next year. All of your history will still be there.

      I was quite happy when that was added to GP as otherwise I had to make sure all of the year-end reports were run and then do a JE to close out the unit accounts and then close the year.

      Bert Green
      GP Developer/GP Administrator
      Berger Transfer & Storage, Inc.
      Saint Paul MN
      GP2015/MR CU11

    • Margaret Knight


      December 8, 2016 at 8:03 AM

      Thank you very much!

      Margaret Knight-Dominguez
      Director of Finance
      Construction Labor Contractors LLC
      Richfield OH

    • Anthony Guanci


      December 8, 2016 at 8:11 AM

      Nice tip…thank you very much.

      Anthony Guanci
      Sr. Manager, Accounting
      MorphoTrust USA
      Billerica MA

    • Brad Johnson


      December 8, 2016 at 8:33 AM

      You are correct. it will keep the monthly data, but zero our the Period 0 at the beginning of the following year.

      Brad Johnson
      Financial Analyst
      Samtec Inc.
      New Albany IN

    • Peggy Link


      December 9, 2016 at 10:42 AM

      Wonderful to hear about this!  Was not previously made aware of it.  Does anyone know if there is a way to update all unit accts at once with this feature?

      Peggy Link
      Assistant Controller
      National Business Furniture, LLC
      Milwaukee WI

    • Bert Green


      December 9, 2016 at 12:53 PM


      We didn’t have too many so I did it manually. If you have a lot you could go the SQL route. The field that this item is stored in is the Clear Balance field in the GL00100 table.

      Bert Green
      GP Developer/GP Administrator
      Berger Transfer & Storage, Inc.
      Saint Paul MN
      GP2015/MR CU11

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