Integration Manager Error

  • Integration Manager Error

    Posted by DSC Communities on March 22, 2017 at 11:22 am
    • Elizabeth Whitbread


      March 22, 2017 at 11:22 AM

      Can anyone tell me how to resolve this IM error?  

      Query ‘ARTransHeader’ cannot be previewed due to the following problem:
      – Data Source ‘%1’ has been deleted from the database.
      Add failed. Duplicate key value supplied.
      Data Source ‘%1’ has been deleted from the database. – Add failed. Duplicate key value supplied.
      Add failed. Duplicate key value supplied.

      Elizabeth Whitbread
      Bridgepoint Consulting
      Austin TX

    • Joni Finnell


      March 23, 2017 at 8:54 AM


      I would look at your data source properties. It looks like the path to that source is non-existing.


      Joni Finnell
      Project Accountant/GP Troubleshooter
      Consumer Support Services, Inc.
      Newark OH

    • Blair Christensen


      March 23, 2017 at 10:29 AM

      9ypBpYGTzuQBkZVzoN3a_integration properties.pngI’ve had problems with IM in trying to fix integrations once they go south.  I usually end up starting over and rebuilding it from scratch.  Here are a couple of screens not many people know about which may assist, however:

      Object Browser.  This allows you to see your existing Integrations, Data Source Names, and available adapters.  Very handy!

      Integration Properties.  Allows you to see error handling and scripting.

      Destination Mapping – Options Tab.  Allows you to set some “hidden” values.

      (PS – note to the forum: why can you not intersperse comments with images?  All the images go to the top!)

      Blair Christensen
      Database Administrator
      Oppenheimer Companies, Inc.
      Boise ID

    DSC Communities replied 7 years, 5 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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