Cash Receipt With Incorrect Corporate Customer NUmber in RM20101

  • Cash Receipt With Incorrect Corporate Customer NUmber in RM20101

    Posted by DSC Communities on December 21, 2016 at 9:34 am
    • Brian Buhler


      December 21, 2016 at 9:34 AM

      There is an open cash receipt transaction that does not appear in the Apply Sales Document window for a customer;  however, the document does show open when running reports or in the Transaction inquiry window.  Appears the issue has to do with the Corporate Customer Number.  In the RM Open Table RM20101 the transaction shows a different customer number in the Corporate Customer Number Field than the Customer Number of the transaction.  Both the customer number of the transaction and the corporate customer number are parent customers. 

      What is the best way to fix?  Does someone go into RM20101 and update the Customer Number in the Corporate number field to the correct customer number. What issues might this cause?  This transaction was entered in September, and would have already have been cleared in bank reconciliation. Do we void and reissue the transaction, will that create an issue with the bank reconciliation?

      How does something like this happen? Below is the transaction from RM20101 from Power Query

      C00000206      C00000283      0000015732            ACHDEP090216    RM_Cash        RMCSH00003249 9 1 9/2/2016 0:00 9/12/2016 0:00 mperez          9/2/2016 0:00 11/7/2016 15:32 1800266

      Brian Buhler
      Kelsey National Corporation
      Los Angeles CA

    • Frank Heslin


      December 21, 2016 at 10:55 AM

      Hi Brian,

      The first thing I would do is run Reconcile on the CUSTOMER ID in the CUSTNUMB field from your query only. (If you run it for ALL, you will bog down your system, and your GP users won’t be happy with you!) 

      I would run it for both:

      Current Customer Information & Outstanding Document Amounts. 

      As far as the why this happens?  Easy answer: it’s software, things happen;-)  Real answer: it could be any number of things like an interruption with the database during processing.  Sometimes you never ‘know’ why some things happen.  Other times you are able to determine the root-cause.  But unless it becomes a recurring problem, I wouldn’t spend too much time on why it happened, I would just fix it & move on!

      k2gUnbQq6hjZsvaGsfwo_RECONCILE AR WINDOW.png

      Let us know what you find.

      Hope this helps!

      Frank Heslin
      Financial Systems Administrator
      ExamWorks, Inc.
      Atlanta GA

      Member, GPUG Advisory Committee
      Chairman, Georgia Regional GPUG Chapter
      Summit 2016 Track Leader

      GP2015 R2
      MR CU14

      Follow me on Twitter: @Automate_It

      GPUGGA –

      *** Help Us, Help You…provide enough info so that we don’t have to ask for more:) ***
      *** If you solve your issue please share the solution to assist others! ***

    • Brian Buhler


      December 21, 2016 at 12:51 PM

      Thanks…I ran reconcile by Current Customer Information for each customer and then ran if for Outstanding Document Amounts. 

      The Outstanding Document Amounts process resulted in a zero.  The Current Customer Information resulted in changes, in the Unposted section went 1,929.89 before reconcile and 2052.59 after reconcile a change of 122.7.  There are cash receipts pending posting for 2,052.59.  The Aging Period went for (24,145.50) before reconcile to (210) after reconcile–the amount of the transaction.  The Corporate Customer number did not change and the Document still does not show in Apply Sales Documents. 

      The transaction does show in the Receivables Transaction Unapply in the Professional Service Tools Library (as Open)

      Brian Buhler
      Kelsey National Corporation
      Los Angeles CA

    • Frank Heslin


      December 21, 2016 at 1:27 PM

      Which Customer ID is it under when you saw it in PSTL?

      Frank Heslin
      Financial Systems Administrator
      ExamWorks, Inc.
      Atlanta GA

      Member, GPUG Advisory Committee
      Chairman, Georgia Regional GPUG Chapter
      Summit 2016 Track Leader

      GP2015 R2
      MR CU14

      Follow me on Twitter: @Automate_It

      GPUGGA –

      *** Help Us, Help You…provide enough info so that we don’t have to ask for more:) ***
      *** If you solve your issue please share the solution to assist others! ***

    • Brian Buhler


      December 21, 2016 at 1:48 PM

      It is under the C00000206, which is the one that it should be on.  My IT staff indicated that they could change the Corporate Customer number field to C000000206 instead of C00000283.  My biggest reluctance is if changing it would create other issues.  

      Brian Buhler
      Kelsey National Corporation
      Los Angeles CA

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