Monitoring data that is displayed by copilot
Monitoring data that is displayed by copilot
I have a security question for the use of copilot for dynamic CE. First off a price of Info.
We have E5 and access to the full security suite
We (will) have multiple CE instance that have different use case and data sensitivity
The user have access to the data, we just need to log / audit that they access it
I need to know if there is a way to flag / lable tables and/or colomn in dynamic CE so that if a copilot queries return data form those tables/coloom I can trigger and auditing of the data and or query buy one of Microsoft security tool (purview, defender, etc). I know that I could simply disable copilot I’ve been told that it must be done at the tenancy level and the issue I have with that is that I have use case for in in some of the less sensitive environment to use it with no restriction and use case for some. Of the more sensitive to be able to query but with monitoring.
So question is
A) can I flag and send that flagged data to smicrosft security suite
B) if not can I send all copilot request and/or response in an a dataverse enviroment to said security tool
C) can I send all copilot for CE request and/or response to said security tool
D) is there a security tool in the E5 suite that monitor the CE / copilot traffic and log it
C) Can I still disable copilot is specific environment while keeping it on in others
Thanks in advance
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