Lead to Opportunity Qualification Process

  • Lead to Opportunity Qualification Process

    Posted by Jim Corriveau on May 17, 2024 at 4:37 pm

    Hello CRM Community,

    Has anyone seen a change in the Lead Qualification Process with respect to Contacts? We are seeing a “Business Process Error”, “Entity ‘contact’ With Id = GUID Does Not Exist”. We narrowed the issue down to, there is a contact in the system with the same email as the lead however, it is in a different business unit and the Sales person that owns the lead does not have access to that contact. When the error occurs the Salesperson cannot qualify the lead and they cannot add the existing contact. In the past, I believe it allowed the lead to be qualified and created the opportunity and may have created a duplicate contact.

    Sure, duplicates are bad but not as bad as a Salesperson not being able to qualify their lead into an opportunity. I could give all Sales the ability to read all contacts globally, but that seems like a bad idea.

    Has anyone experienced this issue, if so, how did you work around it?

    Thank you,


    Jim Corriveau replied 9 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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