PSA: BC 21 doesn’t allow for letters in the phone number field
PSA: BC 21 doesn’t allow for letters in the phone number field
I wanted to share something that may be helpful for those who have recently upgraded or faced a similar issue. It seems that some users enter extensions in the phone number field of customer and vendor cards in the format “777-777-7777 ext 111”.
However, after upgrading to BC21, we encountered an error while creating Purchase and Sales Orders that read “Validation Results: You cannot enter letters in this field” (please refer to the attached screenshot). What was peculiar was that this error was appearing in the “Customer Name” field of the Sales/Purchase order.
Upon investigation, we discovered that the letters in the phone number field on the Customer/Vendor card were responsible for this error. Once we removed them, we were able to proceed with creating the orders without any issues.
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