Large Rounding Entries after Standard Cost Roll Up.

  • Large Rounding Entries after Standard Cost Roll Up.

    Posted by Joseph Gorman on May 11, 2023 at 10:33 am

    We have some unusually large Rounding entries in the General Ledger Entries table for a few Production Orders after we ran a standard cost roll up + reval (+adjust cost and post to GL). As you can see below, they are larger than the cost entries.
    I can’t determine what has caused these. I thought that maybe they were the result of a large change in a unit cost but I believe that should go to variance not to the rounding.
    Has anyone had a similar issue with large rounding entries after a cost roll up?
    I was also wondering how the entries with the description “Rounding [item no] on [date]” are generated, any ideas?

    The attached image shows the resulting entries from the roll up.

    Joseph Gorman replied 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Michael-Carr

    May 11, 2023 at 12:55 pm


    Wish I could be of help…. I chased that question through my 5 years of running standard cost clear up to the Product General Manager level of NAV. Sent them all the documentation. The rounding entries were absorbing were generating 80,000+ General Ledger Lines PER Month and were @ 80% of our General Ledger entries through NAV2018 Release 6. They never fixed it and I got the feeling that the problem was how they round each time an entry is made and they don’t round quite the same way every time. Their may be causation factors involving how you use the standard cost updates, the roll-ups and How Adjust Costs runs and interacts with your data. They said the would make corrections to reduce it but as I am retired I am not sure that they did. Never got any reason why it was happening, ,,,, Like Danny DeVito would say … HUSH HUSH.

  • Joseph Gorman

    May 12, 2023 at 9:14 am

    Thanks Michael.
    It could very well be some setup we have – I have heard of maybe it is missing lot sizes but that doesn’t seem to offer a full explanation.

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