System Admin 101 for Dynamics 365 CE/CRM
Welcome to the life of a Dynamics 365 System Administrator! If you’re new, welcome! You’re joining the ranks of many phenomenal system admins and will soon learn that you will wear many, many hats. You are joining the ranks of the CRM Unicorn! Where you need to know everything and anything, the old way, and the new way, and keep up with new updates and changes rolling out.
In this session, I will take you through a 90-minute System Admin boot camp. There is a lot to cover – we’ll focus on solution management best practices, working in the Power Platform Admin center, security model (working with security roles, business units, and more), working with views, forms, and columns, building model-driven apps, and more. Many resources will also be provided to help you be the best System Admin you can be.
When you complete System Admin 101, you will feel more prepared to tackle whatever your users have to throw at you!