Social Proof: Building Trust & Credibility in Your Marketing
Your sellers are pros at discussing your solutions, but your customers are the real gold mind. Your prospect’s trust is vital to your buying cycle.
During this panel session, we will discuss buying behaviors for 2024 and why customer reviews, testimonials, and quotes are the confirmed ticket to gaining a prospect’s trust!
Learning Objectives:
- Identify key buying behaviors and trends relevant to 2024, emphasizing the significance of customer reviews, testimonials, and quotes in influencing purchasing decisions.
- Understand the impact of customer reviews, testimonials, and quotes on building trust with prospects during the buying cycle, highlighting their role in validating the efficacy and credibility of solutions.
- Develop strategies for leveraging customer feedback effectively to enhance prospect trust and drive conversions, integrating insights from the discussion panel to optimize sales approaches and messaging.
Speakers: Sam Bush, Aimee Keenan, Mary Miller, Khaled Nassra
Type: Panel/Roundtable
Primary Product: All User Groups
Track: Marketing