Check out how to compare & measure virus spread delay per country

  • Check out how to compare & measure virus spread delay per country

    Posted by DSC Communities on April 21, 2020 at 5:26 am
    • Robin Eckardt


      April 21, 2020 at 5:26 AM

      #COVID19 – Check out how to compare & measure virus spread delay per country.

      To measure and compare the delay of the virus spread per country one option is look at the number of confirmed cases per million inhabitants. With a high number of confirmed cases, Italy is used as a base country for the relative comparison.

      After having reached 50 confirmed cases, Germany started with a delay of 7 days vs. Italy. The analysis shows that Germany increased the “delay” to 20 days. In contrast the US already had a “delay” of 17 days vs. Italy, but lost 5 days to reach its current “delay” of 11 days.

      Please note, the number of confirmed cases tells only parts of the story. It does not give any indication about other influencers, like the number of conducted tests, varying starting dates of social distancing measures & respective enforcement.

      For example, a higher number of conducted tests has a higher probability of resulting in higher number of confirmed cases what would then impact the “delay”. Therefore, this analysis is only a hypothesis that needs further analyses before it can be confirmed.

      Learn more:

      #businessintelligence #powerbi #corona #fromdatatoinsights


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