Fabric Real-Time intelligence!

  • Fabric Real-Time intelligence!

    Posted by Pablo Moreno on May 21, 2024 at 2:25 pm

    Now it is possible to ingest and analyze real time data within Fabric, the new feature released today May 21, 2024, allows you to:

    • Ingest, process, analyze, visualize, and act on events in real-time.
    • Utilize no-code, self-service experiences with tools like Real-Time Analytics, Data Activator, and Power BI.
    • Ask complex questions about their real-time data using natural language.
    • Automatically receive alerts about high-value anomalies in large volumes of data.

    All combined with GenAI and #Copilot, of course!

    Pablo Moreno replied 4 months, 4 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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