Unit Cost in Sales Item Detail Inquiry Zoom

  • Unit Cost in Sales Item Detail Inquiry Zoom

    Posted by lisa-duke on March 21, 2017 at 11:50 am
    • Lisa Duke


      March 21, 2017 at 11:50 AM

      Does anyone know where GP is pulling the data in the Unit Cost field in the Sales Item Detail Inquiry Zoom from.  We have an instance where the cost in this field is way above the actual cost of the item.

      Lisa Duke
      Macon GA

    • Frank Heslin


      March 21, 2017 at 12:53 PM

      Hi Lisa,

      We only have Service Items, so I can’t verify it, but I believe it comes from the Item Maintenance screen.  It should be either Standard Cost or Current Cost, but if memory serves me  right, it’s also based on the Valuation Method that you are using.

      The table with that info is: IV00101

      Hope this helps!


      Frank Heslin
      Financial Systems Administrator
      ExamWorks, Inc.
      Atlanta GA

      Member, GPUG Advisory Committee
      Chairman, Georgia Regional GPUG Chapter
      Summit 2016 Track Leader
      GPUG All Star 2016

      GP2015 R2
      MR CU14

      Follow me on Twitter: @Automate_It

      GPUGGA – http://www.gpug.com/Atlanta

      *** Help Us, Help You…provide enough info so that we don’t have to ask for more:) ***
      *** If you solve your issue please share the solution to assist others! ***

    lisa-duke replied 7 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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