SOP document printing –

  • SOP document printing –

    Posted by DSC Communities on December 15, 2016 at 4:41 pm
    • Maria Frandzeskakis


      December 15, 2016 at 4:41 PM

      Hi There,

      We would like to streamline our SO printing process and would welcome suggestions. We print the SO to one printer, and the picking ticket to another, and feel there is room to improve how we do it.

      Today’s steps:

      1/ enter the SO

      2/ print to local printer (we use a macro for this)

             GP clears the SO number in the Sales Trx Entry window

      3/ go back to the SO in Sales Trx Entry (usually by clicking the Document Number field and then using the “Back” arrow .. number of clicks depends on what orders were entered in the meantime)

      4/ change the printer to one in our warehouse

      5/ print the picking ticket (again, using a macro)

      Ideally, we would love to combine all these steps into one.

      Any suggestions?

      Thank you,


      Maria Frandzeskakis
      IT Manager
      MIP Inc.
      Anjou QC

    • David Musgrave


      December 16, 2016 at 3:17 AM

      Hi Maria

      This is exactly the challenge that I created Named Printers and SOP Quick Print back in version 3.15 to solve.

      Named Printers was bought by Great Plains for v5.5 and became core for v6.00.

      You just need to define the printers in Named Printers and then setup the SOP Quick Print options you want.

      Once set up, a single keystroke will perform all the actions as desired.

      Original developer of Named Printers and SOP Quick Print.

      David Musgrave MVP, GPUG All-Star

      Managing Director
      Winthrop Development Consultants

      Perth, Western Australia

    • David Clayton


      December 16, 2016 at 6:02 AM

      Hi Maria,

      Named Printers is really the best way to manage printing in Dynamics GP.

      It allows you to assign printer settings to specific documents.  There is no need to change the printer, paper size, etc. before you print reports or documents.

      Make sure to log on to the computer with administrative rights before setting it up.  Once you have set it up on one computer, you can copy the settings to the others.

      David Clayton
      DMC Consultants Limited
      Kingston, Jamaica

    • John Dodd


      December 16, 2016 at 10:14 AM


      Looking at your step number 3, would it be easier to use a batch for each group of orders? We use a batch for each day using the date as the batch number. This way you can just print the entire batch. This was you don’t have to “click back” and may save some time. You can just print the batch with orders to one printer and then print the batch with picking tickets using the warehouse printer.

      John Dodd
      General Manager
      Akron Gasket And Packing Ent
      Tallmadge OH

    • Maria Frandzeskakis


      December 16, 2016 at 3:27 PM

      Thank you Everybody,

      We will review your suggestions.

      Named Printers is something we know of but have never used – will have to investigate.

      I’m not sure what the SOP Quick Print window is. Is it the one accessed via Transactions >> Sales >> Print Sales Documents window?

      I’ll also have to check why we don’t batch print these docs – – for sure this may save some efforts.

      Good suggestions. Thank you.


      Maria Frandzeskakis
      IT Manager
      MIP Inc.
      Anjou QC

    • Robert Cavill


      December 18, 2016 at 9:55 PM

      The SOP Quick Print is accessed when on the Sales Transaction Entry window.

      From the menu bar, choose Options –> Quick Print, or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Q.

      However, you need to configure it first, using the Options –> Quick Print Setup.

      You would be required to perform this setup on a per workstation basis.

      Robert Cavill
      Emeco International Pty Ltd
      Osborne Park, Western Australia

    • shane kluiter


      December 28, 2016 at 9:42 AM

      Have you considered going paperless?

      shane kluiter
      Grand Rapids MI

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