SmartList Favorites Lost when Reverting to Out of Box SL

  • SmartList Favorites Lost when Reverting to Out of Box SL

    Posted by Jim Lines on December 19, 2016 at 10:37 am
    • Jim Lines


      December 19, 2016 at 10:37 AM

      Hi – I posted this in the communities last week but did not get any feedback.  Hoping someone here can help…

      I’ve encountered a situation where I was modifying the Financial>>Account Transactions SmartList in SLB and somewhere in the process I lost several (System) Favorites.  I have a backup on my test server and am able to query ASIEXP81 and see the old favorites.  However, the difference is that it seems I reverted back to the out of the box SL (ASI_Favorite_Dict_ID = 0), whereas the favorites that were lost look to be tied to the SLB dictionary (ASI_Favorite_Dict_ID = 3830).

      Results in production for Out of the Box favorites. 

      where ASI_Favorite_Type = 12
      AND ASI_Favorite_Save_Level = 1
      AND ASI_Favorite_Dict_ID = 0
      ORDER BY ASI_Favorite_Name

      Results on test server with SLB favorites (data does not exist on production server)

      where ASI_Favorite_Type = 10057
      AND ASI_Favorite_Save_Level = 1
      AND ASI_Favorite_Dict_ID = 3830
      ORDER BY ASI_Favorite_Name

      If you look at the screen shot below, I’ve compared the SLB objects and as you can see my test server contains the modified version of the SL.  However, I don’t see anything modified or added whatsoever. 

      I could use some help on how to get my SLB dictionary favorites back into production using the data I have from my test server.  I think step one is to get the modified version back into production first.  It doesn’t appear I can export the SL from TEST to import to LIVE.  Can anyone provide advice on this?  Thanks in advance!

      Jim Lines
      Sr. IT Analyst
      Glidewell Laboratories
      Newport Beach CA

    • Nicole Albertson


      December 20, 2016 at 10:03 AM


      If there isn’t anything modified on it the setup in SLB, you may just want to leave it unmodified and recreate the favorites in SmartList. 

      You should be able to export the modified SmartList on your test server by going to Microsoft Dynamics GP – Tools – SmartList Builder – Export.  You will see it in the list as Account Transactions or whatever the Name is in SmartList Builder.  Then you can import it on the live server. 

      As for the favorites, you cannot export/import those.  To bring the favorites to the new server, you would have to either export the data out of the ASIEXP81 and ASIEXP86 tables for those favorites or write insert statements based on the data in those tables for the favorites.  It may just be easier to setup the favorites again after you move the list over. 

      Nicole Albertson
      Product Specialist
      eOne Solutions
      Fargo ND

    • Jim Lines


      December 21, 2016 at 6:21 PM

      Thanks Nicole (I knew you’d have the answer!).  I’ll advise to recreate the favorites. 


      Jim Lines
      Sr. IT Analyst
      Glidewell Laboratories
      Newport Beach CA

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