Security on RMA/RTV Field Services

  • Security on RMA/RTV Field Services

    Posted by Jeff Roe on March 10, 2017 at 12:50 pm
    • Jeff Roe


      March 10, 2017 at 12:50 PM

      We need to isolate individual users from being able to close RMA/RTV’s.

      We have modified the TRX_FSS_RT01 task and excluded the RMA/RTV close options and made sure that the task was assigned to the role for the user.

      Even with that done the user is still has access to close RMA/RTV.

      We have also tried excluding the TRX_FSS_RTO1 task from the role all together but the user still has access to the Transaction -> Returns Management -> RMA/RTV Close.

      What are we missing?

      Jeff Roe
      Kele Inc
      Bartlett TN

    • Shawn Dorward


      March 10, 2017 at 1:57 PM

      GPPT (GP Power Tools) offers a good security profiler that can easily tell you who has access to a window.  Do you have that? 

      Also, Field Level security might help here as well.

      ToolsSetupSystemField Level Security

      Shawn Dorward
      Twitter: @ShawnMDorward
      Implementation Consultant
      InterDyn Artis

    • Jeff Roe


      March 10, 2017 at 2:37 PM

      I do have GP Powertools, but my issue is not identifying who has access but which task and settings to deny their access to the RMA/RTV Close options.

      I don’t believe this would be a field level security use.

      Jeff Roe
      Kele Inc
      Bartlett TN

    • Shawn Dorward


      March 10, 2017 at 3:03 PM

      With GPPT you should be able to use Security Profiler and Security Information to show a list of Tasks that give access to that window… I can do it on my version.

      Launch Profiler, Start Capturing, Open the Suspect Window, Stop Capturing, highlight window in Security Profiler then choose Options/Security Information.

      Maybe I am misreading your question – sorry if I am.

      Shawn Dorward
      Twitter: @ShawnMDorward
      Implementation Consultant
      InterDyn Artis

    • Shawn Dorward


      March 10, 2017 at 3:25 PM

      By default, that should do it, providing they do not have power user assigned – however, if you modified your security, the profiler/information in GPPT should show the tasks that grant access.  In mine, it is just the one you mentioned FSS_RT01

      Shawn Dorward
      Twitter: @ShawnMDorward
      Implementation Consultant
      InterDyn Artis

    • Beat Bucher


      March 13, 2017 at 9:19 AM

      Hi Jeff,
      Shawn is correct.. that should be the proper way of doing it and since you have GPPT, you can check it out.. Can you please use the GPPT “Security Profiler” with that user and enable the tracing to check what really happens in the background while this user is accessing the RMA/RTV closing window ?

      zAlmf9IsSqSlGkccevKm_2017-03-13_085807.pngBe aware that the Task TRX_FSS_RT01* includes 2 different ‘RMA Close’ windows..
      Make sure you unchecked the right one ..

      Also, depending on your current build of GPPT, you may or may not have the ‘Deny Based Security’ available (starting with build 22). So make sure you have the latest build to try this out..

      Deny Based Security – An additional layer to the GP security model to allow denying of access to operations (windows, reports, etc.) on a per user per company basis. Also allows menu items that cannot be controlled by security to be hidden on a per user per company basis. No more duplicating of Tasks and Roles just to deny access.

      Beat Bucher
      Business Analyst, Dynamics GP MVP
      Ultra-Electronics Forensic Technology Inc.
      Montreal QC/Canada
      Montreal QC GPUG Chapter Leader
      GP2013R2 / MR2012 CU14

    • Jeff Roe


      March 13, 2017 at 2:48 PM

      I did see those two entries and hadunchecked both but the user role with that task still has access to the RMA Close form.

      Jeff Roe
      Kele Inc
      Bartlett TN

    • Beat Bucher


      March 14, 2017 at 8:48 AM

      Did you use the ‘Security Profiler’ as I suggested to watch what exactly gets hit when the user opens the ‘RMA close’ form ? There seems to be another tasks that covers the same resource under a different name possibly.

      Beat Bucher
      Business Analyst, Dynamics GP MVP
      Ultra-Electronics Forensic Technology Inc.
      Montreal QC/Canada
      Montreal QC GPUG Chapter Leader
      GP2013R2 / MR2012 CU14

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