Security/Encryption on SSN’s and EIN’s

  • Security/Encryption on SSN’s and EIN’s

    Posted by Jo deRuiter on January 16, 2017 at 7:32 am
    • Jo deRuiter


      January 16, 2017 at 7:32 AM

      Hi All:

      I cannot locate any reliable documentation on securing data such as SSN’s or EIN’s in GP.

      Can someone point me to out-of-the-box information AND any reliable 3rd parties?


      Jo deRuiter
      Lead Techno Functional Consultant
      Aisling Dynamics Consulting
      Kennesaw GA

    • Steve Endow


      January 17, 2017 at 1:22 PM

      Hi Jo,

      I’m not aware of any native functionality in GP that secures, obscures, or encrypts field data (CC numbers, SSNs, etc.).

      The only peripherally related option I’ve seen discussed is SQL Server Transparent Data Encryption, but that feature is only available in SQL Server 2008 and 2012 Enterprise Edition, not in Standard edition, so I suspect that rules it out as an option for most GP customers.

      I’m interested to hear if there are any third party products that help to protect sensitive fields.

      Steve Endow, Microsoft MVP
      Precipio Services
      Los Angeles, CA

    • Carol Kossoris


      January 17, 2017 at 2:32 PM

      What do you mean by securing data?  GP does have report masking for the SS numbers in Payroll.  Go to SSN Mask in the payroll setup.  Field level security might also be an option.

      Carol Kossoris
      GP Consultant
      Heartland Business Systems, LLC
      Pewaukee WI

    • David Musgrave


      January 18, 2017 at 1:54 AM

      It is possible to use GP Power Tools non-logging triggers to “Obscure” data in the SQL Server.

      I have to say Obscure because when I first used the term “encrypt”, I got into trouble as example I gave does not use industry standard encryption.

      Have a look at

      Please note that the Support Debugging Tool was discontinued and replaced by GP Power Tools.

      GP Power Tools portal:


      David Musgrave MVP, GPUG All-Star

      Managing Director
      Winthrop Development Consultants

      Perth, Western Australia

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