Refund Checks Module with EFT Payments

  • Refund Checks Module with EFT Payments

    Posted by DSC Communities on January 3, 2017 at 4:54 pm
    • Tiffany Ziegler


      January 3, 2017 at 4:54 PM

      I’m trying to process a refund through the Refund Checks module, which I do often. I generally cut checks to our customers, however I have one customer who would like their refund sent via EFT, because their payments to us are made via EFT. I know I’ve done this in the past, but it’s been a while. 

      I’ve created a batch, and selected the EFT radio button.

      Do I then also check the ‘Integrate with EFT’ checkbox on the main Refund Checks screen as well? I can’t seem to get it to work either way.

      Upon clicking the “process” button, I get the following error: 

      The report shows there is a problem with the bank information however I’ve confirmed that the bank info on both the customer card and vendor card are identical. What am I missing here?

      Tiffany Ziegler
      Vice President & Controller
      Velcor Leasing Corporation
      Madison WI

    • Steve Burney


      January 3, 2017 at 5:03 PM

      Hey there Tiffany,

      It looks like you are missing a little bit of setup for this vendor.

      Look at this screen which is Vendor Maintenance – Address – EFT Bank.

      This looks like the information that the system is looking for you to complete so that you can move forward.

      I hope this helps.


      Steve Burney
      Senior Financial Systems Administrator
      Correct Care Solutions
      Nashville, TN United States
      Twitter @SteveBurney

    • Tiffany Ziegler


      January 3, 2017 at 5:10 PM

      Hi Steve – I actually have that screen completed and the bank info is identical to that which is on the Customer card (and I’m able to initiate EFT transactions for cash receipts with that bank info).

      I don’t want to paste the info in as it includes Customer bank info, but that screen is completed. 

      Tiffany Ziegler
      Vice President & Controller
      Velcor Leasing Corporation
      Madison WI

    • Joni Welling


      January 4, 2017 at 9:19 AM

      Do you have multiple addresses for the vendor?  Make sure the R&T info is on the address ID that is associated with the return.  The other item I would make sure is that your file transfer method that you used on the vendor card is set-up in the checkbook for payables.  Payables maybe using a different file format ID.

      Joni Welling
      Accounting Manager
      Affiliates Management Company
      Des Moines IA

    • Joni Welling


      January 4, 2017 at 9:22 AM

      One last thought. . .   Also check on your Vendor Maintenance Options to see if you allow credit’s.

      Joni Welling
      Accounting Manager
      Affiliates Management Company
      Des Moines IA

    • Tiffany Ziegler


      January 5, 2017 at 10:37 AM

      Joni – 

      Thanks for the suggestion. I did have the banking info attached to the correct address, although after looking into it I realized the vendor did indeed have two different addresses and because of this, there were no defaults on the main vendor card for Purchasing and Remit To address – I suspect maybe this was the issue? I’m unable to test it out now, as I did the refund check the ‘hard’ way and manually debited A/R and credited A/P. Hopefully this will solve my issue going forward. Thanks for the tip!

      Tiffany Ziegler
      Vice President & Controller
      Velcor Leasing Corporation
      Madison WI

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