PSTL Item Number Combiner issue

  • PSTL Item Number Combiner issue

    Posted by Jeff Roe on February 12, 2017 at 4:17 pm
    • Jeff Roe


      February 12, 2017 at 4:17 PM

      I’m trying to combine two item numbers using the PSTL Item Combiner module but receive an error “smItemNumberCombinerMfg” stored procedure not found.

      Any ideas?

      BTW, I don’t see that SPROC in the Company SQL instance.

      We do own the Manufacturing module but do not use it.

      Jeff Roe
      Kele Inc
      Bartlett TN

    • David Joosten


      February 13, 2017 at 3:10 AM

      A tricky issue with some very complex solutions. The problem probably starts in that the PSTL objects where created when the Manufacturing was not yet installed and therefore it did not create those objects. I don’t think that a re-install of PSTL will solve the issue, but could be worth a try. The other option if you are not using manufacturing at all is to remove manufacturing from the launch file that you use for the PSTL utility, that said, it does mean that the problem in a way compounds for future utilities and upgrades. The eventual solution will probably be to script all manufacturing objects without using a drop statement from a clean install with a new company so that it creates all the missing objects for you. You may also need to run check links after that as well. This will not solve everything, but it could get you through all the key utilities. If you are actively going to use manufacturing, then a clean rebuild may be required.


      David Joosten
      Enterprise Architect
      Premier FMCG (Pty) Ltd
      Waterfall City

    • Beat Bucher


      February 13, 2017 at 9:00 AM

      Hi Jeff,
      This can happen when something gets installed after the initial PSTL setup..
      No big deal, usually you can just go back into the PSTL and click the ‘Rebuild Procs’ button to re-install the PSTL libarary objects.. This even strongly recommended in the user guide anytime you setup and new product or module.

      Beat Bucher
      Business Analyst, Dynamics GP MVP
      Ultra-Electronics Forensic Technology Inc.
      Montreal QC/Canada
      Montreal QC GPUG Chapter Leader
      GP2013R2 / MR2012 CU14

    • Jeff Roe


      March 23, 2017 at 3:01 PM

      So I think I’ve gotten around the Manufacturing issue (had to remove the manufacturing tables) however I now have a different problem.

      In my company database there are some third party and custom tables where I’m getting primary key violations when the item combiner runs.

      If I’m correct, one of the things that the PSTL Item Combiner does is look for any tables with the itemnmbr column and those end up being part of the update process.

      When the Item Combiner runs it is updating the record with the combined from itemnmbr to the combined to itemnmbr, The problem is that when that happens on a table with a primary key for itemnmbr and the combined to itemnmbr already exists it generates a PK error.

      I have disabled all the third party modules but that still doesn’t prevent other non GP tables from being updated.

      Any ideas what can be done to address this issue?


      Jeff Roe
      Kele Inc
      Bartlett TN

    • Leslie Vail


      March 24, 2017 at 2:22 AM

      I’ve experienced PK entries when I’m using the Customer Lookup tool. If you are using this tool and the previous posts didn’t solve the problem, let us know and I’ll update the post.

      Leslie Vail
      Accounting Systems Consulting, Inc.
      Dallas TX

    • Jeff Roe


      March 24, 2017 at 11:56 AM

      I have tried all the recommendations without success. As I mentioned in my last posting it appears that because I have non GP tables that have itemnmbr and primary keys, that seems to be creating my problem. I really need to find a way to ignore those tables since the tool doesn’t ssem to know how to handle a PK issue on a non GP table.

      Jeff Roe
      Kele Inc
      Bartlett TN

    • Jeff Roe


      March 24, 2017 at 6:20 PM

      I fixed my Item Number Combiner issues, however it required my to modify a couple of the PSTL stored procedures.

      1. the smItemNumberCombiner stored procedure was modified to exclude processing through several non-GP tables.
      2. the smItemNumberCombiner2 stored procedure was modified to not process the smItemNumberCombinerMfg stored procedure (Manufacturing).

      Once those were done I was able to successfully run the Item Number Combiner.

      Documented my changes so if anything changes I will redo the modifications

      Jeff Roe
      Kele Inc
      Bartlett TN

    • Beat Bucher


      March 27, 2017 at 10:21 AM

      Hi Jeff,
      Glad you were able to solve your problem.. This is a tricky case, as PSTL has obviously no concern about 3rd-party tables or custom tables that hold the same information..
      You were lucky also to be able to modify the stored procedures, as many of them are password protected/encrypted and cannot be altered.
      Still wondering why Microsoft doesn’t unlock them, as the tools has been made freely available for several GP releases now (GP 10 I believe).

      Beat Bucher
      Business Analyst, Dynamics GP MVP
      Ultra-Electronics Forensic Technology Inc.
      Montreal QC/Canada
      Montreal QC GPUG Chapter Leader
      GP2013R2 / MR2012 CU14

    • Ken Hubbard


      March 27, 2017 at 10:58 AM

      Hey All,

      Thought I would chime in on this one. The PSTL tools do all their work in SQL and are rather indiscriminate in the way that they look at tables with columns associated with the action the are taking. For example, every table with ITEMNMBR will be considered for combination when using the Item Combiner tool.  As Beat pointed out, there is no consideration for 3rd parties built into the tools. However, as I think Jeff has figured out here, there are pre and post procedures that allow you to exclude certain tables from the process (Pre) and take special action against said tables if needed (Post)

      Specific information about how to accomplish this is found in the PSTL portion of the SDK. Most recent version link below:  

      In regards to unencrypting the remaining stored procedures, there is a recent internal request to make this happen on the next GP release, but it sure could not hurt to enter a product suggestion either.

      Thank you,
      Ken Hubbard
      Microsoft Dynamics Support

    • Stephanie Rasmussen


      March 28, 2017 at 4:09 PM

      Hi Jeff – As a Dynamics GP ISV, I might also suggest you check in with your 3rd party software vendors to see if they have documentation regarding PSTL and their products.  EthoTech has documentation especially related to our Commission Plan product that makes sure all of the Combiner/Modifiers run successfully.

      Stephanie Rasmussen
      EthoTech, Inc.
      Piney Flats TN

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