Project Accounting Billing

  • Project Accounting Billing

    Posted by Jo deRuiter on June 1, 2017 at 11:39 am
    • Jo deRuiter


      June 1, 2017 at 11:39 AM

      Good Morning!

      Project Accounting (in detail) is not my forte.   However, I am troubleshooting an issue for a client.  Here we go:

      In the PA module for certain projects – The billings are created and then sent to Receivables Transactions to be posted to sales.  On these projects revenue is recognized at the Miscellaneous Log level so the billings end up just moving amounts between Unbilled AR and Unbilled Project Revenue – The billings distributions in Receivables end up just moving amounts between Receivables accounts.

      However, beginning a few months ago an “Extra” distribution line for the total amount of Revenue is coming in at the point that the transaction is sent to RM. 

      This extra line must be deleted before the invoice will post in the Receivables Module as it throws the transaction out of balance.

      The only place this “Default” account it is using exists is at the Cost Category Level for Project Revenue.  However, even after I’ve replaced that default account with a real revenue account the issue still occurs, and still pulls an account that I cannot determine where it comes from.

      Additionally, in the PA13202 the incorrect Account Index (for the weird account) that it uses shows up in the PAREV_IDX column.  I can run a script to replace it here – but the RM transactions still remain out of balance.

      I have spent quite a while on this one and any help will be greatly appreciated.


      Jo deRuiter
      Lead Techno Functional Consultant
      Aisling Dynamics Consulting
      Canton GA

    • Russ Worth


      June 2, 2017 at 10:26 AM

      The GL account used comes from the cost category setup on the project budget. Go to Project Maintenance>>Budget>>Select Cost Category Line>>Blue Expansion Arrow>>Budget Detail Entry>>Accounts.

      See where the source of the GL account is coming from, there are 6 possible sources (Customer, Contract, Project, Cost Category, Employee or specific).

      As to the extra line when exactly does it get created – when an unposted billing document is generated?

      Russ Worth
      GP/AX Business Analyst
      Grand Isle Shipyard
      Galliano LA

    • Jo deRuiter


      June 5, 2017 at 7:05 AM

      Hi Russ:

      Thanks for the response.

      The extra line gets created during the posting process from Project Accounting.  This process does not go to the GL, it sends the transactions to sales – which hits the GL.   So, it happens during the move from Project to Sales.

      Jo deRuiter
      Lead Techno Functional Consultant
      Aisling Dynamics Consulting
      Canton GA

    • Russ Worth


      June 5, 2017 at 9:16 AM

      Jo – is the Project Billing setting “Post to Receivables Management” checkbox checked?

      Project >> Setup >> Billing

      Also is the posting setup set to post through to G/L?

      Tools >> Setup >> Posting >> Posting
      Series: Project
      Origin: Billing Entry

      If so, the distribution on a project biller document (Project >> Transactions >> Billing >> Billing Entry) when posted, will post directly to the GL. Usually a debit to A/R and a credit to unbilled A/R.  Simultaneously, the transaction will post to the AR sub-ledger. However, there will be no GL entries generated from the A/R sub-ledger if you are posting through general ledger.

      When you look at the distribution prior to posting the biller doc, what are the debit and credit entries?

      Russ Worth
      GP/AX Business Analyst
      Grand Isle Shipyard
      Galliano LA

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