MR Web Viewer Publish button

  • MR Web Viewer Publish button

    Posted by Jennifer Hershberger on March 1, 2024 at 10:42 am

    I feel fairly well versed in Management Reporter, but I’m stumped on what the “Publish” button actually does in the web viewer. Without technical details, I know it makes the link “active” for users who don’t have a local installation of MR, so that they can receive financials via the link. The reason I’m looking for information on what the technical pieces are is that sometimes users will get caught trying to publish and for whatever reason it just spins.

    Best part? It’s not consistent. It’s not always the same user. It’s not always the same day/week/time.

    I just can’t seem to find any documentation that tells me what’s happening to even know where to begin investigating.

    Anyone have any insight?

    Tori replied 1 year ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Tori

    March 4, 2024 at 2:26 pm

    Hi Jennifer,

    The publish button will create a new version of the report in the Report Library in MR Report Viewer, if the user viewing the report has the Edit box ticked under Report Library Permissions.

    I have found it useful for when the users are constantly refreshing a report as they post entries in GP (so they are not generating new versions that they will never look at again and take up lots of space) so then when they are happy they publish the final version of the report.

    I am not sure what happens if the user does not have the security to edit the report – it might just spin forever without producing any errors.

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