Manual Payments Cannot Be Applied – Multiple Issues
Manual Payments Cannot Be Applied – Multiple Issues
Looking for any guidance on where to look to help resolve a user’s issue:
We have two entries when user is applying a manual check written at the site level to a load she works with in our home grown system. She receives the checks and uses manual payments in GP to apply the check to the correct load sent over from our system. Then she posts the applied payment “batch.” When she tried to post the payments she applied she saw it stuck in posting status, and we advise users not to force close GP when this occurs.
What we assumed was that the posting was interrupted earlier, which caused this posting to get into a weird state and the 2 invoices were in history but the payments still in unposted status. We fixed the payments so they could be accessed, but they were not applied to any invoices then. That night I ran check links hoping it would move the invoices back to an open status to apply the payments to. It was unsuccessful.
The user tried posting the payments again but they were showing WORK and when she tried to go in to apply the payment in Apply Payables Documents, the document was not available. The message was “You can’t choose this document because it is part of a recovered batch or is still in the process of posting.” We ran a reconcile then to see if we could recover the documents, but that also yielded no results.
The Payables Batch IDs still shows the Batch IDs for each payment as available, but now we’re seeing a message that says the check number was already used and there’s nothing to post it to. I did see errors on each of these batches, distribution messages and work messages attached. User stated it was because she tried multiple times and now it says the document number has already been used.
She wants to know if she can delete the batches and try to apply the payments again, but I think the error of the document number being used would still exist? Any assistance or guidance on this is greatly appreciated. We’re scratching our heads over here for sure.
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