Maintenance Database on SQL Server

  • Maintenance Database on SQL Server

    Posted by Howard Blitstein on September 15, 2023 at 11:19 am

    Hope I don’t embarrass myself with this question, but my server guy is telling me that the Maintenance database that sits on our SQL server where GP is installed has grown enough that we are running out of drive space. Luckily this only occurring in our test environment. It is about 62GB. Production side is only 6GB. Running a couple of the tables in it does show WhoIsActive and you can see Select statement and things like that. The command.log table does show things like Update Statistics for GP tables. This Maintenance db is not on any of our other non-GP servers, so I am puzzled. If it is something that GP created, or maybe a third party and what is it doing? Can I truncate it? Why is Production’s version so small where I have hundreds of GP users hitting it every day, where I am really the only one in test and it is growing out of control.

    Sorry for the rambling.


    Howard Blitstein replied 9 months, 4 weeks ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Jeff Woodard

    September 15, 2023 at 11:39 am

    A quick check to do would be to look at your db recovery model for the ‘maintenance’ database(s) using SSMS. If it’s set to ‘Full’ (the default), then all your space is likely tied up in transaction log files. If it’s set to anything other than ‘Simple’, (and since it’s a test db), you can recover the disk space by simply running a backup of that database (which will remove all of the transaction log files), then change the recovery model to ‘simple’, and it will no longer create transaction log files.

  • Howard Blitstein

    October 2, 2023 at 11:21 am

    Mystery solved. My boss said he only saw this database only on our GP database servers. Which had me scratching my head. But speaking with our head dba (who was out of the office when I posted this), said the Maintenance db is one of his creations that works with our database backups. And the reason it was growing out of hand was the fact he forgot to add the cleanup job which truncated the tables after three days. All is good.

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