Item Cost Assignment

  • Item Cost Assignment

    Posted by Elaine Salyer on May 19, 2023 at 9:57 am

    Is it possible to assign an item cost by vendor? For example, you have 2 vendors that sell the same product but pricing is different. When you create the PO does it always pull pricing from standard cost or can you assign it by vendor?

    Todd Froemming replied 1 year, 2 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Annie Barton

    May 19, 2023 at 10:23 am


  • Todd Froemming

    May 19, 2023 at 2:19 pm

    If you have your Purchase Order Processing settings for Display Item During Entry as “Vendor Item” instead of “Item”, the vendor cost of that item will show up. If you set as “Item” the last cost will be used. You can set the vendor item to be the same item number as the actual item so the vendor will see your item number in either case. I would recommend running this in your test company. Create a PO like normal, and the item cost should appear. Assign the same item to any vendor. Change the Purchase Order Processing setup to “Vendor Item”. Create a new PO. If you haven’t purchased the item from that vendor before, a new PO should populate with a zero cost for that item. Receive and invoice 10 items at a cost different than the item cost (I would use $1). Then, create another new PO with the same item. It should populate with the vendor cost you just received and invoiced at in the prior step.

    This assignment of “Vendor Item” is system wide. It may not be wise to just change this for one or two items.

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