How long does it take your partner to get you new Reg Keys?

  • How long does it take your partner to get you new Reg Keys?

    Posted by Vicki Hillary on January 19, 2017 at 10:17 am
    • Vicki Hillary


      January 19, 2017 at 10:17 AM

      We recently order some additional licenses for GP.  My partner confirmed they received our payment for these licenses and they submitted our request to Microsoft.  That was 2 weeks ago, and I haven’t heard back.  What is everyone else’s experience as far as a reasonable turn around time for new keys.  Of course I can (and will) follow-up with my partner, but this isn’t the first time I have waited a long time for new keys.  Just wondering if my expectations are unreasonable.


      Vicki Hillary
      RDV Corporation
      Grand Rapids MI

    • Michael Taranto, CPA


      January 19, 2017 at 10:46 AM

      You may want to get the keys yourself.  Go to – Microsoft Dynamics CustomerSource

      Microsoft remove preview
      – Microsoft Dynamics CustomerSource
      View this on Microsoft >

      .  If you have been added to the professionals for your company you can get access to the keys.


      Michael Taranto, CPA
      ERP Consulting LLC
      Pataskala OH

    • Josh Kenyon


      January 20, 2017 at 9:42 AM

      Getting keys is something our partner has been very good about.  On a new purchase it isn’t unusual to have our keys the within 1 or 2 days of the order.  When doing upgrades typically our partner will have the keys on the same day they have been requested and this includes all of our 3rd party keys as well.

      As an alternative like Michael suggested you can recover keys yourself from Customer Source for the GP portion but you may need other options for any 3rd party keys.


      Josh Kenyon
      Automated Dairy Systems
      Jerome ID

    • Lisa Ireland


      January 20, 2017 at 9:46 AM

      The time it takes to obtain keys differs by licensing model.  If the order can be placed online and there are no promotions to verify, it can happen within a day.  We do this on a regular basis for MBL and Perpetual keys without issue.

      For subscription keys I have seen it take a few weeks to get them from Microsoft through the hosting partner.  I don’t place this type of order myself so I don’t know the timeline/processes it requires.

      Lisa Ireland
      AcCounting On Computers Incorporated

    • Beat Bucher


      January 20, 2017 at 10:07 AM

      I was under the impression that for regular licenses (i.e MBRL or similar), the partner wer able to generate the keys themselve.. Am I mistaken ?

      Beat Bucher
      Business Analyst, Dynamics GP MVP
      Ultra-Electronics Forensic Technology Inc.
      Montreal QC/Canada
      Montreal QC GPUG Chapter Leader
      GP2013R2 / MR2012 CU14

    • Victoria Yudin


      January 23, 2017 at 5:04 AM

      Hi Vicki,

      To help answer your question and some of the things others have brought up, based on my experience as a Microsoft Dynamics GP partner:

      • Partners cannot generate regular license keys themselves, Microsoft must do that.
      • Sometimes new purchases must be paid for upfront. Many (but not all) partners will have an account with Microsoft that will allow them to place the order, then pay for it later. However, some partners will have to provide payment at the time of the order because their credit limit may not be high enough, etc. Often when we send Microsoft a check payment it takes a week to show up on our account. However, there is always the option of wiring the payment to them, which arrives the same day (at least in the US).
      • Once the order is placed, Microsoft usually generates keys within 24 hours. While I have sometimes seen it take a little longer, that’s not typical, and even then it’s usually done within 48 hours.
      • Until the partner places the order and Microsoft generates the keys, you will not be able to see the new licensing on CustomerSource, although it’s a great idea to check just in case. It is possible the order was placed and keys generated, and maybe the email communicating that to you went to the wrong email address or got stuck in your junk mail.

      The above is just from my personal experience. There are always unforeseen issues and exceptions possible, so communication is key. Hope that helps.

      Victoria Yudin
      Microsoft Dynamics GP MVP 2005-2016
      Flexible Solutions, Inc.

    • Rob Klaproth


      January 23, 2017 at 12:32 PM

      We order the keys when payment is received from the customer.  It will typically only take 24-48 hours to get the keys back from Microsoft after we have confirmed payment. Upgrade keys usually come same day since there is no cost associated with them. 
      However, as others have mentioned there are delays.  If Microsoft did not grant net terms to your partner they will not provide keys until the payment comes to them from your partner.  Hopefully your partner is wiring the money to them and not mailing a check as that can cause further delays. 
      The key is definitely communication on all sides to address any potential delays. 
      Sent from my iPhone

      ——Original Message——

      Hi Vicki,

      To help answer your question and some of the things others have brought up, based on my experience as a Microsoft Dynamics GP partner:

      • Partners cannot generate regular license keys themselves, Microsoft must do that.
      • Sometimes new purchases must be paid for upfront. Many (but not all) partners will have an account with Microsoft that will allow them to place the order, then pay for it later. However, some partners will have to provide payment at the time of the order because their credit limit may not be high enough, etc. Often when we send Microsoft a check payment it takes a week to show up on our account. However, there is always the option of wiring the payment to them, which arrives the same day (at least in the US).
      • Once the order is placed, Microsoft usually generates keys within 24 hours. While I have sometimes seen it take a little longer, that’s not typical, and even then it’s usually done within 48 hours.
      • Until the partner places the order and Microsoft generates the keys, you will not be able to see the new licensing on CustomerSource, although it’s a great idea to check just in case. It is possible the order was placed and keys generated, and maybe the email communicating that to you went to the wrong email address or got stuck in your junk mail.

      The above is just from my personal experience. There are always unforeseen issues and exceptions possible, so communication is key. Hope that helps.

      Victoria Yudin
      Microsoft Dynamics GP MVP 2005-2016
      Flexible Solutions, Inc.

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