GP Fixed Assets Mass Retirement issue

  • GP Fixed Assets Mass Retirement issue

    Posted by Howard Blitstein on January 25, 2024 at 3:54 pm

    I have two users attempting to run a mass retirements in Fixed Assets. They both performed this task last year without incident, but when they run it, they get a message that it was successful , but the assets are still listed as active and no GL batch is being created. I’ve forwarded everything I could find online about the issue to them and none of the resolutions apply? They tell me they are doing exactly what they did last year. When they individually retire an asset it works fine. Any thoughts?

    Howard Blitstein replied 12 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Kerry Hataley

    January 25, 2024 at 4:11 pm

    ? – Are both periods in the GL and FA OPEN? for the dates?

  • Jo deRuiter

    January 26, 2024 at 9:14 am


    What steps are they taking in the mass retirement? It can be finicky and if you do not correctly setup the select assets area then it will not retire the assets.

    Paste in some screenshots, but I would start with the Select Assets window, highlight the new Group they had to create to do it and at the bottom of the window change Show All to Show Selected and you’ll see if there are actually any assets in that group.

    Creating an Asset Group is the only way to mass retire so this step must have been done. It is quite possible – as I’ve done this myself – to mess up creating the group.

    So let us know if the group is right and we can troubleshoot from there.

    Kerry’s answer to check the calendar is also valid as having a mid-quarter or other non-monthly averaging convention can keep this from happening. Check the averaging convention and if any of them are setup to anything to do with quarters you’ll have to go into Setup>Fixed Assets>Calendar and setup the quarters for the years in question.

    Let us know if this does not answer the question and we’ll keep plugging away at it.

    • Howard Blitstein

      February 20, 2024 at 4:19 pm

      Hello again. Worked with the user and watched what he did. He was creating a new group by importing from excel the assets he wants to retire. Upon completion of the import the report that printed had only two columns of data; one showing the asset id and and the second saying that the No suffix exists, nuts. Didn’t get that screenshot. Ugh. He said the excel file was the same file and format they use all the time, but obviously nothing is being imported in and checking Show Selected, the window was empty. Unfortunatley FA is something I did way back but using Sage, not GP, so I am not a lot of help. I’ll happily reach out to our partner for assistance, but if you think this is something as simple as a messed up excel feed file, please let me know. I have sometime on this .

      Thanks for all the help as usual!


  • Howard Blitstein

    January 26, 2024 at 9:24 am

    Thanks Jo and Kerry. I have forwarded your suggestions to my end user attempting the mass retirement. I will keep you all informed.

  • Howard Blitstein

    February 23, 2024 at 9:03 am

    Update. This issue with the import of assets into the group was a problem with the file. Excel placed leading zeroes on each asset ID which messed everything up. But realized there may be a limit on the amount of assets that can be mass retired at one time. The original group was created with 500 assets, and GP appeared to be working and even gave a message that the mass retirement was successful. But none of the 500 were actually retired. We dropped the number of assets in the group to 50 and it worked like a charm. I looked at the FA manual as did our VAR and did not see any limits called out. But the issue was resolved.

  • Jo deRuiter

    February 23, 2024 at 9:12 am


    That is very interesting, was there any kind of code adding the leading zero?

  • Howard Blitstein

    February 23, 2024 at 9:20 am

    Not a clue. I was working with the user all along and kept asking him if everything was okay with the excel file. It wasn’t until we had a scheduled call with our VAR that he realized there were leading zeroes on the asset IDs in the sheet. He was able to edit the file and the asset group was created just fine. He had no idea of where they came from. But appreciate all of your responses and suggestions. 😃

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