GP 2018.6

  • GP 2018.6

    Posted by Eddie Madera on March 15, 2024 at 4:07 pm

    Hello, we are planning to upgrade to GP 2018.6. We currently have a consultant we reach out to whenever we need help with certain issues. We do not have a partner. Is a partner required to upgrade or can we go straight to Microsoft. If that’s an option, how do we go about doing so? Thanks!

    Beat Bucher replied 11 months, 2 weeks ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Kerry Hataley

    March 16, 2024 at 6:23 pm
    Down Accepted answer

    H Eddie,

    So a couple of things here…

    1. I am assuming you mean GP 18.6… GP2018 is a different product and is NOT the modern life cycle.

    2. What version are you on?

    3. You need to have a Support agreement with Microsoft to legally move to 18.6 from and older version.

    4. Your partner that pays your support agreement will have access to the software.

    Let me know if you need anything else

    • Eddie Madera

      March 18, 2024 at 9:43 am

      Hi Kerry,

      Thanks for the reply! Yes, I do mean GP 18.6.

      We are using Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2.

      We currently have a GP Enhancement support plan straight through Microsoft that we pay for.

      We do not have a partner at the moment.

      Does that mean we can purchase the software and the serial numbers ourselves or does Microsoft force us to obtain a partner?

      Many thanks,


      • Beat Bucher

        March 21, 2024 at 3:59 pm

        Hi Eddie,

        To complement on what Kerry replied.. Unless you’re a Microsoft Partner and have a NFR license of GP as part of your partnership, there is unlikely a way you could have purchased your GP without going thru a reselling VAR / Partner.

        Microsoft has your registered partner on file and you just have to ask them which one it is.. It happens sometime in companies that the person that was responsible for the management of GP licenses/maintenance contrat has left and didn’t provide the next person all the information, leaving them in the dark as to what their support includes.

        Customers can change partners any time if not happy with the provided service by their current VAR. The new VAR would have to get some papers signed by the customer to officialize the transfer to the new partner. Even with a registered VAR, you’re not obligated to use them to perform your upgrade. You can go with any independent consultant you feel confortable with.

        Request several quotes for your update..



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