Concur to GP Integration Products?

  • Concur to GP Integration Products?

    Posted by David on February 27, 2024 at 12:22 pm

    Our team here is looking for a product to integrate data between Concur and Dynamics GP (currently at 18.3). We have looked at Wipfli and it does most of what we need but does not move POs generated in Concur to GP. All our PO’s are generated on the Concur side so that is a hole in our requirements.

    – Has anyone used Wipfli and worked around that?

    – Alternate 3rd party products that provide similar functionality?

    1. Synchronize from Concur Invoices to Dynamics GP

    a. Purchase Orders

    b. Payment Requests

    c. Invoice Images

    2. Post Invoices based on a 3-way match from payment requests received from Concur Invoice

    3. Post Invoices based on payment requests received from Concur Invoice

    4. Process Invoices with no Purchase order

    David replied 9 months, 4 weeks ago 3 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Sunjay Agtey

    February 27, 2024 at 12:30 pm

    Hey David – Based on your comment – I believe we could help with your needs. Happy to jump on a teams call if interested to learn more and share how we have helped others.

    • David

      February 27, 2024 at 1:03 pm

      What have you got? Another 3rd party product you can recommend? An add-on for POs and WipFli? A custom solution?

  • Jo deRuiter

    February 28, 2024 at 1:53 pm

    Hi David.

    Depending on the complexity you can use SmartConnect if you have it. Otherwise, most Concur to GP integration is done through the Wipfli product, though it does have its challenges.

    • David

      February 29, 2024 at 9:05 am

      Good to know. I am trying to get SmartConnect approved for purchase now. I am comfortable with this tool and can use it for many projects.

      We haven’t purchased Wipfli yet. The Finance team with me on the demo were discouraged by the lack of a Concur PO to GP path. I read some vague mentions on an Armanino solution. Know anything about that?

      In your experience, what are the top two or three Wipfli issues to avoid/plan around?

      • Jo deRuiter

        February 29, 2024 at 9:15 am

        Hi David,

        The Wipfli product with GP has many issues and in my experience constantly needs to be trouble-shot. Their support is also a little slow. But they are the most popular solution for Concur. I’m not familiar with the Armanino solution, though I’d love to see it. All I know is I’ve built out custom SmartConnect integrations for Concur for several clients in the last few years and it’s not hard – but that really depends on the Concur setup and your understanding of the data – be prepared to setup multi-data-sources and several calculated fields in SC. I believe you know it well enough!

  • David

    April 26, 2024 at 3:30 pm

    SmartConnect 21 REST Service Setup for Concur?

    We purchased SmartConnect but it is taking them a very long time to schedule the support hours we paid for.

    I am in the process of mapping those large Concur files to GP, but I would really like to use the SmartConnect 21 REST Service and bypass the whole file moving process.

    Does anyone have a JSON file I could import to Create a Concur REST Service? Strip out the company specific password bits, but the setup structure is kicking my butt. I am trying using OAUTH2 and get as far as a sign-in prompt when trying to authenticate but I haven’t figured where the token is supposed to come back and get used. The SmartConnect documentation either walks through the old legacy REST Connector or the online SmartConnect 21 screens, but I haven’t found many examples using the SmartConnect 21 on-prem config, and I can’t figure what is supposed to go where.


    REST is a blackhole I have never had to dive into, the terminology seems inconsistent and depends on the document and the flip of a coin. Any directions would be a big help to get me started.

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