Check printing in GP 2016

  • Check printing in GP 2016

    Posted by DSC Communities on December 28, 2016 at 11:01 am
    • Bob Lash


      December 28, 2016 at 11:01 AM

      We print two copies of accounts payable checks on preprinted forms (one original and one for the file)  They print one copy right after the other. Since our upgrade, the system wants to print only one copy.  Has anyone heard of this problem or have a solution?

      Bob Lash
      General Manager
      Ti-SALES, Inc.
      Sudbury MA

    • Robin Bolt


      December 29, 2016 at 9:23 AM

      Yes it is a known bug. Supposedly Microsoft doesn’t think this effects many customers so they are in no hurry to fix, according to our partner. 

      Robin Bolt
      Eberle Communications Group
      Virginia Beach VA

    • Bill Schulz


      December 29, 2016 at 11:49 AM


      Can you simply print your checks to the screen first, then print to the printer two times? It takes an extra couple clicks, but it gets you two copies of the checks.

      Bill Schulz
      Turnkey Technologies, Inc.
      St. Louis MO

    • Robin Bolt


      December 29, 2016 at 12:20 PM

      Are you sure that works?

      You need to be able to uncheck “collate”. 

      Otherwise you are having to count checks and separate them to print 2 copies.  And a PDF does not line up the same way as printing the checks directly so then you’re having to modify the check report.

      I’m not so sure this is a good work around.  Have you actually done it?

      Robin Bolt
      Eberle Communications Group
      Virginia Beach VA

    • Terry Heley


      December 30, 2016 at 7:14 PM

      I just want to comment on this post!  Microsoft does care and it is an issue that as more customers upgrade to GP 2016 we seem them run into.  We do have this logged as a quality report and we are looking to fix this in our next code drop as it is important to us and you the customer. 

      This issue I’m referring to is around collated printing.  You are correct David that Named Printers may do the trick and some have used it as a workaround until our changes are made.

      Based on our testing, something did change from 2015 to 2016 as the same setup sets in GP 2015 it prints fine, but not in GP 2016.

      The report will print collated within Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 although the print setup was formatted for uncollated printing.

      Here are a few suggestions I have seen on other posts, but nothing fully verified and based on your process, as Robin indicated it may not work for you.

      1. Try setting up ‘Named Printers’. Sometimes when a quality issue manifests, it only happens via regular printing but not in ‘named printers’ and vice versa. So, it’s possible it will work properly through Named Printers.

      2. Additionally, test printing with the Suppress Print Dialog box ‘checked’, then test again with the Suppress Print Dialog Box ‘unchecked’. Occasionally, that can make a difference as well.

      3. Finally, check to see if they can print to something like a PDF, XPF, or word first. Then, try to re-print with the collation settings working.


      Terry, Microsoft

      Terry Heley
      HR/PR expert
      west fargo ND

    • Bert Green


      December 30, 2016 at 9:00 AM

      Just to ask the question. Any reason that you need to use the preprinted forms? If not you might want to look at Mekorma MICR check printing. You use blank check stock and print the checks on a printer with MICR toner. Then you can print a duplicate check on another printer or save images to a location.

      Bert Green
      GP Developer/GP Administrator
      Berger Transfer & Storage, Inc.
      Saint Paul MN
      GP2015/MR CU11

    • David Clayton


      December 30, 2016 at 9:55 AM

      Hi Bob,

      This sounds more like a printer management issue.   We usually configure named printers to manage how documents such as checks and invoices are printed.

      Named printers allows you to map your Windows printers to GP reports and documents.  You can manage things such as:

      • the printer to which the document/report should be printed
      • paper settings such as paper size, orientation, etc.
      • number of copies to print
      • printer tray to use

      Named printers is configured on the GP client workstation.  I suspect that it was configured on your previous version. 

      David Clayton
      DMC Consultants Limited
      Kingston, Jamaica

    • Bob Lash


      January 3, 2017 at 3:56 PM

      Thank you, all, for your input.  I don’t usually print the AP checks but tried it anyways on our test database.  As you suggested, I printed the checks to PDF’s on the screen then printed two copies, uncollated, to the printer. It worked.  Thanks again to the GPUG community for your input.

      Bob Lash
      General Manager
      Ti-SALES, Inc.
      Sudbury MA

    • Terry Heley


      January 18, 2017 at 11:53 AM

      Wanted to quick update this thread, there will be a January hotfix , due to release week ending 1/23/2017.
      In this Hotfix, we did make changes to collate printing.  If you are running into this issue, please install the fix.
      Dynamics GP 2016 Service Pack page
      Service Pack, Hotfix, and Compliance Update Patch Releases for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 – Microsoft Dynamics CustomerSource

      Terry Heley
      HR/PR expert
      west fargo ND

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