Can purchase requisitions be entered in GP web interface w/Limited license?

  • Can purchase requisitions be entered in GP web interface w/Limited license?

    Posted by DSC Communities on February 27, 2017 at 11:12 am
    • Steve Erbach


      February 27, 2017 at 11:12 AM

      Dear Collaborators,

      We have part of our IT staff working on the implementation of a document management system in GP 2016. One thing that we’re unclear on is the subject of this post.

      In the desktop UI, at least, Limited GP licenses allow inquiry and reporting… but that’s about it. The “about it” is what we’re unsure of. What about purchase requisitions? Can those be entered into GP by someone using a Limited login, either in the desktop interface or, more importantly, in the web interface?


      “Sparkly” Steve Erbach – Business Analyst & MS Dynamics Platform Administrator
      WOW Logistics Company – Appleton, WI
      VP for Communication, GPUG WI (Milwaukee) Chapter
      Co-Chair, GPUG WI (Green Bay) Chapter
      GP 2016 (16.00.0439)
      MR 2012 CU15
      Twitter: @serbach

    • Rob Klaproth


      February 27, 2017 at 11:42 AM

      Allow me to clear this up as I get asked it a lot. 
      Limited users are READ ONLY.  They have no access to any of the transaction windows.  They can not enter requisitions, time sheets or any of the other self service functions.  They can not go to the cards menu or the transactions menu.  They can not go to any of the setup screens, utilities, or other admin functions.  They only have access to: inquiry, report and smartlist as well as the navigation lists.  3rd party reporting tools like smart view do NOT work with a limited user except for the desktop stand alone version that bypasses GP licensing and goes right to sql. 
      What you need is a self service license.  Those users can login to GP either through the web client or the desktop and can:
      Enter purchase requisitions, enter project accounting time sheets, enter project accounting expenses, use the HR self service including looking at their paycheck stubs, changing their exemptions, contact info and other employee self service.   They CAN NOT enter AP invoices!! The only license that allows a user to self serve enter AP invoices is a full license. They also can not enter GL or AP batches for the batch approval workflow.  Essentially the self service license type was designed to replace all the functionality in business portal.  
      So what does all this mean? Essentially you will buy inexpensive licenses for your users who want to do self service functions. 
      For users who need to run reports and look up data in the Various modules a limited user license is good so you’re not paying full price if all the user needs to do is run reports. 
      For everything else, the full user is needed.  Many ISV products only work with the full license still so check with them if you are thinking about getting one of the other licenses.   I know integrity data worked with Microsoft to get some of the inquiry screens working on their comprehensive leave manager so self service users can still login and see their leave balances.  The reason Microsoft allowed this is that the integrity data product does not update the leave balances in the HR module of GP so users had to be able to go to a separate integrity data window to see their balances. 
      I hope this clears it all up. 🙂
      Rob Klaproth
      Sr Dynamics GP Consultant
      Armanino, LLP
      Sent from my iPhone

      ——Original Message——

      Dear Collaborators,

      We have part of our IT staff working on the implementation of a document management system in GP 2016. One thing that we’re unclear on is the subject of this post.

      In the desktop UI, at least, Limited GP licenses allow inquiry and reporting… but that’s about it. The “about it” is what we’re unsure of. What about purchase requisitions? Can those be entered into GP by someone using a Limited login, either in the desktop interface or, more importantly, in the web interface?


      “Sparkly” Steve Erbach – Business Analyst & MS Dynamics Platform Administrator
      WOW Logistics Company – Appleton, WI
      VP for Communication, GPUG WI (Milwaukee) Chapter
      Co-Chair, GPUG WI (Green Bay) Chapter
      GP 2016 (16.00.0439)
      MR 2012 CU15
      Twitter: @serbach

    • Steve Erbach


      February 27, 2017 at 12:13 PM


      That is exactly what I needed. Our VP of IT wasn’t clear on that point. Thank you.


      “Sparkly” Steve Erbach – Business Analyst & MS Dynamics Platform Administrator
      WOW Logistics Company – Appleton, WI
      VP for Communication, GPUG WI (Milwaukee) Chapter
      Co-Chair, GPUG WI (Green Bay) Chapter
      GP 2016 (16.00.0439)
      MR 2012 CU15
      Twitter: @serbach

    • Mark Polino


      February 28, 2017 at 9:26 AM


      That’s directly contradicted by Pam’s article here:

      [emphasis mine]
      “From a high level a Self Serve user can create requisitions, enter time and expenses, enter project time and expenses, benefits self service and workflow.  The limited user can do what a self serve can do plus all inquiry, reports and SmartLists.

      Also the tasks she lists for a limited users are more than just inquiry and reporting. I’m working on a GP security book so I’m really trying to make sure that I understand the nuances here.


      Mark Polino
      Director of Client Services
      Altamonte Springs FL

    • Rob Klaproth


      February 28, 2017 at 10:07 AM

      I have not seen that.  In our testing in the early days when this was rolled out the limited user could not go into those windows.   This may have been something that was later resolved in a service pack.  I can verify and get back to you. 

      Sent from my iPhone

      ——Original Message——


      That’s directly contradicted by Pam’s article here:

      [emphasis mine]
      “From a high level a Self Serve user can create requisitions, enter time and expenses, enter project time and expenses, benefits self service and workflow.  The limited user can do what a self serve can do plus all inquiry, reports and SmartLists.

      Also the tasks she lists for a limited users are more than just inquiry and reporting. I’m working on a GP security book so I’m really trying to make sure that I understand the nuances here.


      Mark Polino
      Director of Client Services
      Altamonte Springs FL

    • Beat Bucher


      February 28, 2017 at 12:18 PM

      I unfortunately can’t test the “Limited User” license as we don’t have any..
      But I confirm that the “Self-Service” user license works to login and do requisitions in GP.
      I’ve assigned a dummy user to a domain account, and gave that user the role ‘ESS PURCHASE REQUEST” and it works.

      However, there are lots of issues related to GP security with ESS users, and despite the application of the latest secuirty scripts, I get tons of pop-ups for denied access to resources, that GP PowerTools is logging and reporting.

      For example, if you start a new requisition and use the Item lookup, you’ll get a denied access error when it tries to open the Item lookup window, but at the end it still let you open it..
      Tons of the access denials are linked to Navigation lists that are there by default, but to which the user role above doens’t give access.. Also, it tries all the time to display the Time Management tile in the home page, whereas this is unchecked from the list, but keeps trying to display..

      2/28/2017 12:10:18 PM: Security Access Denied to Navigation Lists: PTE Expenses (Navigation Lists) in Dictionary 258 (Project Accounting)
      2/28/2017 12:10:18 PM: GP Power Tools: Security Profiler cannot open: Access Denied. Details have been logged.
      2/28/2017 12:10:19 PM: Security Access Denied to Navigation Lists: PTE Timesheets (Navigation Lists) in Dictionary 258 (Project Accounting)
      2/28/2017 12:10:19 PM: GP Power Tools: Security Profiler cannot open: Access Denied. Details have been logged.
      2/28/2017 12:10:19 PM: Security Access Denied to Navigation Lists: PTE Expenses (Navigation Lists) in Dictionary 258 (Project Accounting)
      2/28/2017 12:11:06 PM: GP Power Tools: Security Profiler cannot open: Access Denied. Details have been logged.
      2/28/2017 12:11:11 PM: Security Access Denied to SmartList Objects:  () in Dictionary 1493 (SmartList)
      2/28/2017 12:11:12 PM: GP Power Tools: Security Profiler cannot open: Access Denied. Details have been logged.
      2/28/2017 12:11:13 PM: Security Access Denied to SmartList Objects: Items () in Dictionary 1493 (SmartList)
      2/28/2017 12:12:34 PM: GP Power Tools: Security Profiler cannot open: Access Denied. Details have been logged.

      This for sure doesn’t run smoothly out-of-the-box..

      PS: The Self-Service use has only been introduced at GP2015R2.. thus the Limited Users may have served for a different purpose initially.. my understanding too was that type of user can be only “reading” data in GP. never updating.

      Beat Bucher
      Business Analyst, Dynamics GP MVP
      Ultra-Electronics Forensic Technology Inc.
      Montreal QC/Canada
      Montreal QC GPUG Chapter Leader
      GP2013R2 / MR2012 CU14

    • Steve Erbach


      February 28, 2017 at 1:08 PM


      Seems like Pam was a bit optimistic, at least if one looks at the lists of Tasks for the ESS PURCHASE REQUESTER vs. the LIMITED USER-PURCH:

      ESS PURCHASE REQUESTER* ESS Purchase Requester
      Task ID Task Name
      ADMIN_PURREQ_021* Purchase requisition tables
      DEFAULTUSER Default User
      INQ_PURREQ_005* View purchase requisition transactions
      TRX_PURREQ_026* Enter purchase requisition transactions
      LIMITED USER – PURCH* Limited Purchasing User Role
      Task ID Task Name
      DEFAULTUSER Default User
      INQ_PURCH_001* View vendors
      INQ_PURCH_002* View Payables Management transactions
      INQ_PURCH_003* View vendor financial information
      INQ_PURCH_004* View purchase order transactions
      INQ_PURCH_POE01* View PO commitments and approval information
      LIST_PURCH_001* All Purchasing Transactions list
      RPT_PURCH_001* Purchasing reports
      RPT_PURCH_002* Setup reports
      RPT_PURCH_003* Payables Management check information
      RPT_PURCH_004* Purchasing posting journals
      RPT_PURCH_005* Vendor letters
      RPT_PURCH_CAM01* Control Account Mgmt reports

      Looks like no overlap.


      “Sparkly” Steve Erbach – Business Analyst & MS Dynamics Platform Administrator
      WOW Logistics Company – Appleton, WI
      VP for Communication, GPUG WI (Milwaukee) Chapter
      Co-Chair, GPUG WI (Green Bay) Chapter
      GP 2016 (16.00.0439) / MR 2012 CU15
      Twitter: @serbach

    • Rob Klaproth


      February 28, 2017 at 7:02 PM

      Keep in mind, those “security roles” are just that.   You can create any security role you want, or make any modification to the existing ones.  It’s the actual licensing in the software that will allow or deny the functions.   A while back, I found a field in SY09400 that reveals more.  There is a column now called “AvailLmtdUsers” which is either a 0 or 1 depending on whether the function is available to a limited user.  So, if you do a select * from sy09400 where AvailLmtdUsers = 1 you will see a list of all the commands they can do.  I believe this table is “Security resource descriptions” and is just that.  INFORMATIVE ONLY, so don’t get any ideas about changing some of those 1’s to a 0! 🙂 
      Now, digging deeper, I see there are some like 414 Human Resources – Employee Skills & Training that have that flag set to 1.  In addition, “Purchase Requisition Entry” is also set to 1, as well as the related lookup windows.   This tells me that yes, a limited user can do the same functions as the “self service” user, plus all the inquiry and reporting needs.  NOTE:   Purchasing Invoice Entry is not set to a 1 even though it’s part of workflow, it requires a FULL user to be able to use. 🙂  
      Have fun poking around in the SY09400 table!

      ——Original Message——


      Seems like Pam was a bit optimistic, at least if one looks at the lists of Tasks for the ESS PURCHASE REQUESTER vs. the LIMITED USER-PURCH:

      ESS PURCHASE REQUESTER* ESS Purchase Requester
      Task ID Task Name
      ADMIN_PURREQ_021* Purchase requisition tables
      DEFAULTUSER Default User
      INQ_PURREQ_005* View purchase requisition transactions
      TRX_PURREQ_026* Enter purchase requisition transactions
      LIMITED USER – PURCH* Limited Purchasing User Role
      Task ID Task Name
      DEFAULTUSER Default User
      INQ_PURCH_001* View vendors
      INQ_PURCH_002* View Payables Management transactions
      INQ_PURCH_003* View vendor financial information
      INQ_PURCH_004* View purchase order transactions
      INQ_PURCH_POE01* View PO commitments and approval information
      LIST_PURCH_001* All Purchasing Transactions list
      RPT_PURCH_001* Purchasing reports
      RPT_PURCH_002* Setup reports
      RPT_PURCH_003* Payables Management check information
      RPT_PURCH_004* Purchasing posting journals
      RPT_PURCH_005* Vendor letters
      RPT_PURCH_CAM01* Control Account Mgmt reports

      Looks like no overlap.


      “Sparkly” Steve Erbach – Business Analyst & MS Dynamics Platform Administrator
      WOW Logistics Company – Appleton, WI
      VP for Communication, GPUG WI (Milwaukee) Chapter
      Co-Chair, GPUG WI (Green Bay) Chapter
      GP 2016 (16.00.0439) / MR 2012 CU15
      Twitter: @serbach

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