Attempting to activate PO Approvals

  • Attempting to activate PO Approvals

    Posted by Howard Blitstein on July 18, 2023 at 9:07 am

    We are trying to gain a little control of our PO processing and looking at tools like Rockton, FastPath, and GPPT to audit and even throw up some blocks/approvals in the mix. I figured before going down those paths, an easy rollout would be to turn on PO Approvals in Purchase Order Enhancements. Upon checking the box, I received a get/change error which is documented. The fix has me looking at the POP100 for records where the PONumber, USER2ENT, DOCDATE, STATGRP are blank. Well I got 165K records where the USER2ENT column is blank. These go back to 2015. Obviously this missing field is not affecting us since no one has ever complained about it. I am almost positive that probably all of these purchase orders have been entered via SmartConnect. I am still investigating this. But for me to get PO Approvals working I need all these records either fixed or deleted. Would a simple update to the table to fill in the USER2ENT with a current userid suffice? I’m sure I don’t want to delete them. Not even sure where User to Enter is used?

    Chris Donnelly replied 1 year ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Chris Donnelly

    July 24, 2023 at 9:45 am


    I’d say you have a sound approach. Especially since you found the root cause of your issue. I would confirm this by running your SQL update in a test company and thoroughly testing all of your Purchasing, Receiving and Payables processes (including reporting).

    Good luck!


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