Additional Menu – Items missing

  • Additional Menu – Items missing

    Posted by David Morinello on January 6, 2021 at 4:51 pm
    • David Morinello


      January 6, 2021 at 4:51 PM

      Does anyone know what might cause some items under Sales and the Additional menu to be missing?

      I have two users who are missing two Dexterity Customizations under the under Sales > Additional menu 

      • Both users are using the same GP Client and launch file, as do others that work ok
      • One of the two, Cristina, just stated working a few weeks later, the other is still missing the rows shown below
      • If I create a test user and copy the access, the test user sees the menu items. So, same GP Security 
      • Some Users testing are SuperUser/Admins. Two failed, and one of those started working. Others with the same Roles & Tasks always worked ok.
      • Check links in Security don’t find anything.

      Under the Sales Transaction Entry Screen > Additional menu > Two rows the match to an internal Dexterity Customization. 

      Ideas, suggestions?

      David Morinello
      Senior Dynamics GP Systems Architect
      Ascend Learning, LLC
      Leawood KS

    • Thaddeus Suter


      January 6, 2021 at 6:53 PM

      Two users with the same roles/tasks and even if both are power users would see different results if they are assigned different Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID under window User Security Setup.
      At least that is easy to check…..
      You may also want to look at the enableperuserIni setting and the showallmenuitems setting in their dex.ini.

      Thaddeus Suter
      Retus, Inc

    • David Morinello


      January 13, 2021 at 12:36 PM

    • David Musgrave


      January 7, 2021 at 2:11 AM

      Items on the Additional menu are added by Dexterity Form triggers and are not usually affected by Security settings.

      I wonder if there is some sort of corruption/permissions issue with the dictionaries.



      David Musgrave MVP, GPUG All-Star

      Managing Director
      Winthrop Development Consultants

      Perth, Western Australia

    • David Morinello


      January 7, 2021 at 12:47 PM

      Ok this is the oddest test result yet.

      • I created a new GP user account from scratch for Nalin. No account copying from GP, Straight new user account.
      • I created the new GP account checkbox by checkbox with the same Roles, Tasks, and AMFR as his original. No Homepage Role to start off. 
      • He logged into Citrix and starts up GP Nalin.Jain2 GP account and does not see the two menu items. 
      • He logs off and I sign into the same GP Account from My Citrix and yes I see the two menu items.
      • I log out of GP and he logs into the same QA GP Citrix link again, same Nalin.Jain2 GP account and still does not see the two menu items.

      This seems to eliminate any GP direct issues with Security, AMFR, Dictionary corruptions, etc. Same GP Client, Dynamics.set & Dex.ini

      Any Citrix, Windows, or Folder level settings that might prevent the Additional Menu items from displaying for one user but not an admin user?

      David Morinello
      Senior Dynamics GP Systems Architect
      Ascend Learning, LLC
      Leawood KS

    • Thaddeus Suter


      January 7, 2021 at 2:58 PM

      What version of XenApp? And are you using roaming profiles? And enableperuserini = true? (SY01405 Form and Report Paths are stored by user)

      Thaddeus Suter
      Retus, Inc

    • David Morinello


      January 7, 2021 at 3:33 PM

      Local Citrix connector Citrix Workspace 2010

      Citrix Verson: 1909
      Win Server 2016  VDA server 16gb Ram 6 CPUs 1.70GHz

      GP 18.00.0704 

      No enableperuserini = true line in the DEx.ini

      Only 25 rows in the Dynamics..SY01405 table for 3 GP users. None of the 3 match the user seeing this menu issue.

      David Morinello
      Senior Dynamics GP Systems Architect
      Ascend Learning, LLC
      Leawood KS

    • Thaddeus Suter


      January 7, 2021 at 4:54 PM

      OK. Did you check David’s suggestion of permissions on the custom dex.dic. Make sure under security it is full control, modify, read and execute, read, write allow for Users in addition to Administrators/system.
      I checked dex.ini settings  for showallmenuitems = false and that does not effect Form Additional Menus only the Navigation Menus and dropdown Menus
      Also in a Citrix farm you are best to disable roaming profiles but I don’t think that is your issue if you are not using user specific dex.ini files.
      However typically in Citrix we do not share the dex.ini file

      Thaddeus Suter
      Retus, Inc

    • David Morinello


      January 8, 2021 at 10:42 AM

      I had checked those security access settings early on in troubleshooting, but I went back and reverified them again today.

      The user has Full Control to the GP folder, GP subfolders, and shared dictionary locations. No files are marked re-only, hidden, etc.

      I am checking with my Citrix people on the User Profiles and any other OS level setting that might be restrictive in some way.

      David Morinello
      Senior Dynamics GP Systems Architect
      Ascend Learning, LLC
      Leawood KS

    • David Morinello


      January 13, 2021 at 12:39 PM

      I found the problem!

      The Dynamics.Set file had paths to shared dictionaries, but included an unnecessary drive portion. It worked for admins, not not other GP users

      I fixes all occurrences in the Dynamics.set, and in a few places in the Dex.ini as well.

      David Morinello
      Senior Dynamics GP Systems Architect
      Ascend Learning, LLC
      Leawood KS

    • Thaddeus Suter


      January 13, 2021 at 12:57 PM

      Nice! Sometimes its right in front of you! In the past few years we have reverted our citrix farms to having local dictionaries on each server(VM) rather than a common share location. It has really made for better performance in general and no issue for administration as we clone for any change w vSphere.

      Thaddeus Suter
      Retus, Inc

    • David Musgrave


      January 13, 2021 at 6:26 PM

      GP Power Tools has Launch File Configuration to manage Launch files.

      Read my articles

      Shared work, but have performance and corruption issues. There are better ways.

      David Musgrave MVP, GPUG All-Star

      Managing Director
      Winthrop Development Consultants

      Perth, Western Australia

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