Accounts Receivable Paid Transaction Removal

  • Accounts Receivable Paid Transaction Removal

    Posted by DSC Communities on December 6, 2016 at 11:17 am
    • Deborah Butters


      December 6, 2016 at 11:17 AM

      We have been using GP for almost 2 full years now and we have never run the “Paid Transaction Removal” procedure in Receivables. If I run this procedure, can I later change how payments are applied to sales transactions? How often is it recommended to run this procedure? Would you recommend running this procedure by customer when the customer balance goes to zero or run the procedure for all customers periodically? And if periodically for all customers, how often and how far back? Is there any guidance on this procedure?

      Deborah Butters
      Valley Coop Oil Mill
      Harlingen TX

    • Jake Stromecki


      December 6, 2016 at 11:33 AM

      We generally recommend running Paid Transaction Removal quarterly or yearly (when you’re closing your year is a great time to do it). It does depend on how many transactions your doing, what you want to show on statements, etc., but ultimately comes down to what your comfortable with.

      Can you elaborate on your first question though? I’m afraid I don’t quite understand it. Are you referring to if you can change how the payments are applied that were moved to History by Paid Transaction Removal after it’s run?

      Jake Stromecki
      Software Solutions Group, Inc.
      Amherst NY

    • Deborah Butters


      December 6, 2016 at 11:38 AM

      Yes. I am referring to changing the application of payments received after the paid transaction removal has been run. For example, if I apply a payment to several invoices and run the paid transaction removal and later discover that payment should have been applied to different invoices, can I change that payment to reflect that?

      Deborah Butters
      Valley Coop Oil Mill
      Harlingen TX

    • Jake Stromecki


      December 6, 2016 at 11:56 AM

      Yes. You can, using the PSTL RM Transaction Unapply. That will unapply that payment and return it to Open status. Then you can go back to Apply Sales Documents, select that payment, and apply it to the correct invoices.

      Jake Stromecki
      Software Solutions Group, Inc.
      Amherst NY

    • Deborah Butters


      December 6, 2016 at 12:15 PM

      Thank you.

      Deborah Butters
      Valley Coop Oil Mill
      Harlingen TX

    • Lou Spevack


      December 7, 2016 at 10:15 AM

      Hi Deborah.

      The reason we run RM Paid Transaction Removal is to move paid transactions from Open to History.  Unlike Payables, Receivable transactions do not automatically move to History when they are fully applied.  When too many applied transactions accumulate in the RM Open (RM20101) table, search and reporting performance can slow down.  If you have high receivable transaction volume (> 10,000/mo) I would suggest running RMPTR monthly.

      Why, you may ask, is Receivables Management designed this way?  Consider the case where you receive a returned check from the bank 6 weeks after the deposit.  (I have seen checks returned up to 90 days after deposit.)  If you have run PTR and moved that transaction to History, you can no longer mark the payment NSF – Insufficient Funds.  When a payment bounces at the bank, it’s better to use NSF instead of voiding the transaction because it allows you to track returned items for credit evaluation and setting credit limits. Different banks have different time horizons for returning payments.  By making the removal to History process user driven, Dynamics GP allows each company to set their own cutoff dates for removal to history. 

      Lou Spevack
      Systems Accountant | Dynamics Credentialed Professional
      American Council on Education
      Washington DC

    • Bruce Strom


      December 7, 2016 at 2:56 PM

      Most users run paid transaction removal after they run statements, so the prior period’s payments are shown on the statement, but some users are accustomed to running it just before they run statements.  This is a user preference.  That is why you must decide to run paid transaction removal.

      Bruce Strom
      Associated Grocers of Florida
      sunrise FL

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