How to manage multiple released products that are “one” product for sales

  • How to manage multiple released products that are “one” product for sales

    Posted by Rohit Sharma on August 11, 2023 at 4:07 pm

    Looking for option on how to manage multiple released products (exist in stock) that are “one” product for sales purposes.

    Possible scenario – we sell Product A to customers, but we have released Product A and Product A1 that may fulfil the sales demand for Product A. This might be true during a phase where we are transitioning from Product A to Product A1 OR this may be a long term need.

    I have reviewed these existing options in D365. Looking for more cleaner approaches.

    – Product Bundles

    – Alternate Items

    Crystal Ahrens replied 11 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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