Payment Method Code is not set on Sales Credit Memos

  • Payment Method Code is not set on Sales Credit Memos

    Posted by Lewis Rosenberg on September 19, 2023 at 10:00 am

    Hello BC/NAV Fans!

    I have discovered that for sales orders, purchase orders, and purchase credits the documents the PAYMENT METHOD CODE is populated with the value from the customer or vendor card. This is not the case however with Sales Credit Memos where the PAYMENT METHOD CODE is set to an empty value. (I tested this on our BC14 system and also on a Cronus BC22 database)

    We’re thinking of letting the system set the PAYMENT METHOD CODE from the customer card value for Credit Memos for the purpose of filtering open transactions.

    Can anyone think of a reason that we should not do this?

    Here’s the code in table 36 (Sales Header) that clears the field for credit and return orders but sets the field for sales orders and quotes:

    IF “Document Type” IN [“Document Type”::”Credit Memo”,”Document Type”::”Return Order”] THEN BEGIN

    “Payment Method Code” := ”;

    IF PaymentTerms.GET(“Payment Terms Code”) THEN

    IF PaymentTerms.”Calc. Pmt. Disc. on Cr. Memos” THEN

    “Payment Method Code” := BillToCustomer.”Payment Method Code”


    “Payment Method Code” := BillToCustomer.”Payment Method Code”;

    Kim Dallefeld, MVP replied 9 months, 4 weeks ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Jessie Sanger-Picard

    September 19, 2023 at 12:18 pm

    I can’t think of a single reason for it not to default from the Customer/Vendor Card.

  • Kristen Hosman, Microsoft MVP

    September 21, 2023 at 10:18 pm

    I just tested in version 23 preview and the issue exists there. In my testing the Payment Method doesn’t populate on a Sales Credit Memo, but it does on the Purchase Credit Memo. I will send an email to Microsoft on this as I think it’s just an oversight.

    Kristen Hosman | Microsoft MVP

  • Kim Dallefeld, MVP

    October 2, 2023 at 10:14 am

    It might have something to do with payment terms having ‘calc pmt disc on cr memos’ since that is imbedded in the ‘if test’. If you do not allow payment discounts on credit memos, you should be okay to change but if you DO allow payment discounts on credit memos, you might want to test.

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