Payment Journal EFT File and Removing lines with digits 9

  • David Wiser

    June 29, 2023 at 5:41 pm

    This “feature” hearkens back to how banks process the file. When the ACH process began, payment files were required to be generated with rows in increments of 10 lines. Most formats have two header lines and two footer lines. So, if there is one detail line, that is a total of five lines so the program adds five lines of 9’s to get to the ten line increment. If there were six detail lines, then the file would be ten lines and no “9” lines would be needed.

    As far as I know, you will need a developer to remove the feature, but most banks understand this (and may even require it). Check with your bank to see if the lines must be removed.

  • Steven Chinsky MVP

    June 30, 2023 at 9:19 am

    Carlos – I concur and echo what Dave Wiser noted. Not sure who your Bank is but double-check to make sure the additional lines with 9’s is not required. It will be a first for me to find one in the US.



  • Carlos Garcia

    August 8, 2023 at 1:15 pm

    Thank you all

    The US Bank was Suntrust and now moved to Truist.

    How? Where? I can find the Upload and export format from banks in us?

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