My Items List

  • Posted by DSC Communities on December 2, 2016 at 11:53 am
    • Jonathan Delfraisse


      December 2, 2016 at 11:53 AM

      I was able to reproduce this problem in Cronus USA with NAV Version US Dynamics NAV 8.0.37874.0

      The My Customers list works fine.  When you select from the My Items list and select Open, it loads the first item not from the My Items List or the selected item.  Do you know how this can be fixed or if it was fixed?

      Jonathan Delfraisse
      Computer Specialist
      Virginia Beach VA

    • Kim Dallefeld


      December 2, 2016 at 12:27 PM

      I’m running version 9.0.42185 and it’s fixed here so somewhere between our versions it was fixed.

      Kim Dallefeld
      NAV Consultant
      Ft Worth, TX

    • David Wiser


      December 2, 2016 at 12:30 PM

      My current 2016 version (9.0.47042.0) works properly.  I also tested on an older version (7.1.39665.0) and it works properly also.  You may have a customization which is messing this up.

      Dave Wiser
      Beckwith & Kuffel
      Seattle WA

    • Jonathan Delfraisse


      December 2, 2016 at 1:33 PM

      This is a demo database that has no customization what so ever.  I have even restored the database from the “Demo Database NAV (8-0).bak file.  What is weird it works on ver 7 and ver 9 and not ver 8.

      Jonathan Delfraisse
      Computer Specialist
      Virginia Beach VA

    • David Wiser


      December 2, 2016 at 2:40 PM

      Check this:

      Design page 9152-My Items and go to View / Page Actions. Click on the line with the caption of “Open” and then go to properties (Shift+F4).  The RunPageLink setting should read “No.=FIELD(Item No.)”.  If it already says this, then I’m at a lose.

      Dave Wiser
      Beckwith & Kuffel
      Seattle WA

    • Jonathan Delfraisse


      December 2, 2016 at 2:58 PM

      Yes, that property is indeed <Undefined> in my database and the copy of the demo database I have.  Upon putting in the No.=FIELD(Item No.) it started to work as expected. That is weird it was missing.

      Thank you Dave Wiser.  I could not find that specific property, I kept looking in the F9 code.  You have helped me fix my problem.

      Jonathan Delfraisse
      Computer Specialist
      Virginia Beach VA

    • David Wiser


      December 2, 2016 at 4:36 PM

      That’s what the group is here for.  Glad it worked out for you.  It is strange that the setting was missing.

      Dave Wiser
      Beckwith & Kuffel
      Seattle WA

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