Indirect Permission to Insert into a table is not working.

  • Indirect Permission to Insert into a table is not working.

    Posted by Carlos Garcia on June 22, 2023 at 11:10 pm

    Info, Now latest version of BC in the cloud, we started testing and before version 21 and the issue continued, only Works if we set Insert Permission to Yes

    I created a copy of Team Members Permission Set and changed the Option to Insert,Modify,Delete from Yes to Indirect, since we do not want users to change directly on the page.

    Bin Content is our case. When user Register a warehouse Pick, system is complaining about Direct access to the table.

    This is an extract of the error, during a call to Warehouse Pick Register codeunit on Procedure InsertToBinContent, Line 381 BinContent.Insert

    If requesting support, please provide the following details to help troubleshooting:

    Sorry, the current permissions prevented the action. (TableData Bin Content Insert: Base Application)

    To view details about your permissions, see the Effective Permissions page. To report a problem, refer to the following server session ID: ‘12067’.

    AL call stack:

    “Whse. Jnl.-Register Line”(CodeUnit 7301).InsertToBinContent line 29 – Base Application by Microsoft

    “Whse. Jnl.-Register Line”(CodeUnit 7301).InitWhseEntry line 78 – Base Application by Microsoft

    Carlos Garcia replied 1 year ago 2 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Lewis Rosenberg

    June 23, 2023 at 12:27 pm

    The codeunit in question must have INSERT permission to the table in order for the user’s indirect permission to work.

  • Carlos Garcia

    July 11, 2023 at 1:33 pm


    I got a replied from Microsoft and I am not happy at all what they told me. Not sure why Essential License does not have permission to indirect access/ restrict the Bin Content, this is part of Warehouse Management and Not Manufacturing that belong to Premium License


    Hi Carlos,

    I trust this mail find you well.

    I appreciate your prompt response.

    Yes, the screenshot you sent was helpful as it has assisted me to narrow down the root cause of the reported issue.

    I notice that the user has an essential license, which is why the permission sets to Bin content are not working in your BC NAV environment.

    I recommend that you upgrade to premium license, and you should not experience the issue anymore.

  • Carlos Garcia

    July 11, 2023 at 1:36 pm

    I forgot to include more detail of the whole issue, not only the issue with the Codeunit not having the Permission set for Bin Content. If you restrict the users to Indirect access to Table Data Bin Content there are Pages that allows to modify or insert the values. For example Page 7374

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