How to know when all parts are available for a production order

  • How to know when all parts are available for a production order

    Posted by Blaine Pennypacker on December 18, 2023 at 2:23 pm

    Hi all: My scenario: We create production orders and also purchase orders needed for the production orders. But, since we have many production orders in total and also many purchase orders for parts, some of which cross over multiple production orders, we end up manually tracking as parts for each production order arrive from our vendors. Painful! Is there a way in BC to know when all parts are available for a given production order at a glance without having to go through each individual raw part listed in the component list?



    Blaine Pennypacker replied 4 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Lewis Rosenberg

    December 18, 2023 at 4:06 pm

    Hello Blaine,

    There is a Shortage Report that you can run against your released production orders.

  • Blaine Pennypacker

    December 20, 2023 at 10:01 am

    Hi Lewis, thank you for the reply! A question about this report – when I run it, it is showing all zeroes for “Qty on Purch Orders” column. However, I know that we have Released P.O.s for the parts listed. I’ve run it on multiple production orders and each time I run the Shortage report, it is showing zeroes in that column even though parts are definitely ordered and in Released status on the P.O.s in question. Any ideas whether there is some setup issue here or other ideas why it would be showing zeroes in this column.

  • Sean Nguyen

    February 26, 2024 at 12:52 pm
    Down Accepted answer

    A better tool that you should be using is the Planning worksheet. Not only will it Alert you to what is needed for your RPOs, you will have options to create/update your POs accordingly.

    • Blaine Pennypacker

      February 26, 2024 at 9:19 pm

      Thanks, Sean, will definitely be working on getting proficient with the planning worksheet this year! We currently do manual planning in BC, but working toward using the planning worksheet and other related functionality to exploit the capabilities in BC.

  • Matt McDowell

    March 22, 2024 at 2:27 pm

    Hi Blaine,

    Regarding the PO quantities on the shortage report – You need to pay attention to your dates on the production orders and the dates on the purchase order.

    If I put in a purchase order for a component required for manufacturing with an expected date of today (3/22), and create a production order for one of the components with a due date of 3/1 – the report won’t pick up the open PO quantity.

    If I go to my PO and update the expected receipt date onto my PO line to 2/29, the quantity displays on the report.

    The expected receipt date of the PO needs to be < the due date on the production order.

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